Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Exercise 4.3 Job Analysis At Comptech - 1126 Words

Exercise 4.3 Job Analysis at Comptech FORM 4.3.1 1. What method(s) of analysis do you recommend in order to evaluate the job specifications for the store manager job? I would prefer the use of O*NET to identify job description that match with the education and competency modelling for the skills required for the job as store manager. This description would help in finding qualified candidates with proper requirements. 2. What hypotheses or proposals do you have so far regarding CompTech s situation? What do you regard as the critical SWOTs based on the data you have? In my opinion the company Comptech should hire people who are more experienced and have work with the company for a long time as managers as they are more loyal, know the system very well and identify with the company. So they will work with more enthusiasm if they are promoted. It would be better to hire new people for startup positions as it will help them in getting training and would cost less for the company. 3. Use this space to write specific requests for additional information you need before you can take a definitive position. In the form of if-then propositions, take positions based on the possible answers you might receive. Proper analysis of the Job description should be done that matches the Job in the company. Also look what are the specifications that would attract more applicants. Take the opinion of other employees what are their requirements in their departments. Further what are theShow MoreRelatedAssignment On Writing A Position Description2488 Words   |  10 PagesNAME: PRADEEP REDDY JAGGAVARAPU Exercise 4.1 - Writing a Position Description Form 4.1.1 THE POSITION DESCRIPTION PART I: ORGANIZATIONAL INFORMATION 1. Name (last, first, middle): JAGGAVARAPU PRADEEP REDDY 2. Date: 2/16/2015 3. Job title: Assistant doctor 4. How many people in organization have this title? Five members 5. Working title if different: - 6. Organization: Sri Surya Hospital 7. Work location (county or city) : Kakinada city , INDIA 8. Division within organization: Out-patient

Monday, December 16, 2019

Self managed teams Free Essays

A self-managed team is a group of employees that’s responsible and accountable for all or most aspects of producing a product or delivering a service. Self-managing work team effectiveness Is defined as both high performance and employee quality of work life Traditional organizational structures assign tasks to employees depending on their specialist skills or the functional department within which they work. To get work done, many companies organize employees into self-managing teams that are basically left to run themselves with some guidance from an external leader. We will write a custom essay sample on Self managed teams or any similar topic only for you Order Now At Digital, Ayr, management had to learn to step back and let the groups reach their own declslons and In so doing time taken to actually management the organization was Increased. Although a lot of consideration was given to the transltlon it contributed to the success of the approach. Self-managed teams have greater ownership of the tasks they perform and the end product or service they deliver. Self-managed teams tend to be less costly and more productive than employees working within a traditional hierarchical structure because the team performs both technical and management tasks. Team members may also flll In for each other to cover holidays and absences. Decisions made by self-managed teams are more effective because they’re made by the people who know most about the job. A sector in Trinidad and Tobago where self-managed teams can be seen quite often is in the Public Service. Employees in various departments’ namely human resources and finance are generally self-managed teams. Employees generally plan and schedule the workflow and manage annual leave and absence, in addition to minor technical tasks. Management and technical responslbllltles are typically rotated among the eam members as career advancement In the clerical stream usually allows for this. Although these teams may be seen as a cohesive self-managed team where there is a sense of trust and respect between team members, in the public service you find overly cohesive teams which leads to â€Å"groupthink†: You usually find team members most if the times conforming with team norms than raise issues that may upset other team members. This leads to reduced effort or stifled innovation. Teams may struggle to make the transition from supervisor-led management to self-management, either ue to lack of Interpersonal skills or poor Implementation of the self-managed team concept within the service. The concept of using groups of cross-functional employees in modern business in the form of a team has been around in the United States for quite some time now. Self-directed teams have been used in Great Britain and Sweden since the 1950’s. What both regions have realised or learnt is that particular attention must be placed on development of the teams. Development Is an Important component of self-management. That Includes tralnlng In decision- aking, problem solving, communication and team-building. Team-building efforts and programs, which take time, energy, and patience, are an essential component of a successful self-managed team. As it relates to how they manage and carry out their tasks self-managed teams are autonomous, although they still require guidance from leaders within the organizational hierarchy. The essential challenge for any team Is to balance empowerment with accountablllty. It must report to that hierarchy Important to note is that using a self-managed team is no solution, nor should it be mbraced as a belief. How to cite Self managed teams, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

CSR Responsibility Of The Company Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the CSR Responsibility Of The Company. Answer: Introduction With the increasing globalization and modernization, it has become necessary for organizations to carry out corporate social responsibility and work sustainably according to the needs of the environment. It is becoming a standard feature in all the small and large companies. The environment of the business is degrading day by day. Thus, it is necessary that they carry out their daily operations in a sustainable manner (Brown 2013). This will not only help the company grow in a sustainable manner and increase the trust of the citizens towards them. Corporate Social responsibility is also termed as corporate self-regulation that is integrated in the business model of the company. The company to get profitability also does the CSR responsibility of the company. There are evidences showing that CSR helps to increase the profit of the company in long run. It is also noticed that the firm that wants to increase their reputation by being socially responsible usually carries out the CSR (Kor schun, Bhattacharya and Swain 2014). It is seen that while implementing CSR in their daily operations the company needs to formulate a sustainability report stating the steps they will take and its effectiveness of those steps. However, many people influence the making of good sustainable report for the company. The people that broadly influence the making of a sustainability report are the top managers and the managerial share ownership such as the stakeholders (Costa and Menichini 2013). The influence on CSR by the stakeholder shows that knowledge the stakeholder hold about the organization and their views about the social responsibility it has to the society. The stakeholders and the top managers are voluntarily encouraging the implementation of CSR through a proper structuring of the sustainable report. They are also influencing the behavior by investing a lot of their capital. On the other hand, it is seen that CEO of the company influence the CSR through its own personal behavior. On the other hand, it is believed that a firm carries out CSR in order to increase the value of the stakeholders. However, the CSR strategy followed by the company depends on the needs of the stakeholder and other holders of the company. Thus, it is necessary that the managers of the organization act as leaders and formulate the sustainability report of the firm. Thus is because stakeholders are very important for the firm and important member of the company such as the CEO should take any decision related to them (Huang 2013). The paper will discuss about the relationship between that stakeholders and the topmanagement of the company in designing the sustainability report for successful implementation of CSR. It will further carry out literature review on this ground o show the relationship between CSR and managerial share ownership. For the research purpose, a hypothesis is drawn and the methods to collect the data and follow further analysis are stated. Literature review: Corporate Social Responsibility Enterprises should not only focus on being profitable but also focus on being environmentally responsible organization for their citizens. Thus, it becomes necessary for the enterprises to take up corporate social responsibility tool for their business. However, the corporation needs to form a proper structure for implementing CSR in their company that should help them rise above eh standard (Tai and Chuang 2014). Further, it has been described that CSR is a way of embracing the responsibility of the entity and the processes by which the activities of company is carried out in a sustainable manner. CSR ensures that the activities done by the company should a positive impact of the environment and on its stakeholders. Corporate Social Responsibility is a global issue and its put forward by all types of company with a aim of earning high profit and value (Tai and Chuang 2014). On the other hand, Crane, Matten and Spence (2013) states that the increasing effect of global economic crisis has gave way to implementing CSR in the business processes. This has made CSR a popularmanagement process in the business. Thus, companies are creating corporate social responsibility report to let the people know about the steps they are taking for the society. Further, it has been noticed that the idea of CSR has expanded from just recycling and multiple usage process. Altogether CSR has been described a social responsibility of the business including the legal, ethical and other economic expectation of the society from it over the time (Crane, Matten and Spence 2013). Effectiveness of Sustainability Report Fernandez-Feijoo, Romero and Ruiz (2014) has described that the company should take up effecting sustainability report formulation for CSR activities. This is because sustainability report works as a transparent communication tool through which they can convey their social responsibility to the investors and other stakeholders of the company. The amount fo transparency put in the sustainable report depends on the pressure from the stakeholders of the company. Moreover, the company has to keep a link between them and the stakeholders because the stakeholders always affects or gets affected by any operation taken by the firm. Thus, their involvement in the formulation of CSR is necessary. However, the increasing transparency of the sustainability report of the firm has various consequences such as increases complexities, conflicts and others. This is because all the stakeholders gives importance to their own benefits and needs rather than on the whole company (Ioannou and Serafeim 2016 ). Impact of managerial share ownership on sustainable report To carry out successful CSR practices in the organization the entity should structure out a sustainable report. The preparation of this sustainable report requires guidance and involvement by various stakeholders and topmanagement of the company. Stakeholders and the top managers of the company such as the CEO have different views regarding the determinants that influence the implementation of CSR practices. Park and Ghauri (2015) in their paper have described the determinants influencing the implementation of CSR and the sustainability report from the stakeholders point of view. The process of implementing and carrying out a successful CSR strategy in an organization is very complex and is considered as a voluntary decision between the social concerns of business processes and meeting the expectations of the stakeholders. It has been further analyzed that the stakeholder theory has helped in adding values to CSR and a new type of thinking on corporate responsibilities. The common st akeholders of the company are the consumers, the internal managers, suppliers, government and investors. They are considered as primary stakeholders of the organization. For example, the policies made by the government play a great role in encouraging the entities to take up corporate social responsibility. On the other hand, managers directly influence the decision of the company with regards to internal activities such as the remuneration policy, trade unions, work conditions and others. They are the one that help business to carry out CSR for the active stakeholders of the company (Park and Ghauri 2015). According to Plewa et al. (2015) corporate volunteering plays a crucial role in shaping the perception of the consumers towards the CSR practices of the organization. It is deemed to put a positive impact on corporate social responsibility practice. Corporate volunteering is increasing in the world and is accepted as one of the fastest growing CSR activity. Tang et al. (2015) has described CSR as an initiative taken by firms to improve their activities concerning social responsibility and according to the interest of the stakeholders. One of the most important person of the company that is the CEO influence the decision of the stakeholders in carrying out an effective CSR activities for the well being of the company. It has been seen that the nature and confidence of the CEO put a direct impact on firms decision to take up effective corporate social responsibility or not. It is solely the decision of the companys CEO to indulge in socially responsible or irresponsible activities in short and long run (Manner 2010). Companys involvement in CSR activities and formulation of sustainability report also depends on a large extent on the top managers of the company. They are the one that formulated the policies in the sustainability report after taking all the suggestion of companys stakeholders (He, Chen and Chiang 2015). Thus, it is stated t hat the companys capabilities of taking up CSR activities depends o the education, working experience, family or non-family working culture. Hypothesis Hypothesis is one of the essential parts of the report as it helps the researcher to know the potential answer they can get from the research question. Hypothesis is considered as a prediction made by the researcher based on past literature. A hypothesis consists of a research question, objective of conducting the research, a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis. There are two possible outcomes of the research stated in the hypothesis such as the predicted result and the other stating all the possible outcomes. The first one is known as the Null Hypothesis and the other one is known as the Alternative hypothesis. Null Hypothesis is always related to the statement of the question to be answered. Further, the final answer is also denoted in terms of Null Hypothesis. For example, we can either accept the Null Hypothesis or reject it depending on the result. However, it can also be possible that we neither reject nor accept the Null Hypothesis ad states that do not reject Null Hypothesis. This does not mean that Null Hypothesis is true. It only suggests that insufficient information has occurred in the research leading to no result (Rossi, Wright and Anderson 2013). Research Question Does the stakeholder influence the decision taken by the topmanagement of the company while preparing the sustainability report for the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility? Research Objectives To analyze the importance of corporate social responsibility in a company Effectiveness of sustainability report To analyze the decision of the stakeholders while formulating sustainability report To analyze the influential effect of top managers in the formulation of sustainability report To analyze the influential effect of stakeholders on the decision of the top managers such as CEO Null Hypothesis H0- stakeholders effect the decision taken by the CEO while formulating sustainable report Alternative Hypothesis H1- stakeholders does not influence the decision taken by the CEO in the formulation of sustainability report. Research methods The research method used for the research of influence of managers and stakeholder of the company on the CSR policies will be a qualitative method via a survey. This is because a survey method is very effective in collecting information over huge population. Further, the survey will be conducted with the help of simple random sampling and by effective analysis of the sampling results will be denoted. The sampling for data collected will include 20 companies of Melbourne and each companys perspective regarding the influence of top managers on sustainability report will be known (Best and Kahn 2016). The survey will be done with the help of a questionnaire through which data will be collected on various grounds that will make it easy to analyze the result. Questionnaire prepared for this purpose will include both open ended and close-ended questions. The close-ended questions will allow the respondent to answer between two given alternative. However, the respect can also share their vi ews through the open-ended question. Further he responses given by the taken number of samples will be analyzed to evaluate the view of the companies regarding formulation of sustainability report for CSR (Verma Singh and Smarandache 2014). Research Design As mentioned above the research will be conducted on the basis of a questionnaire and further analysis will be done on the answer derived. The questionnaire will be distributed to companies taken in the sample with the help of physical questionnaire or on their office mail as soft copies. This will allow all the members of the company to take effective participation in the survey. Mail is a good way of sharing the questionnaire and collecting the data as internet is being used on a wide range nowadays. Collecting the data through questionnaire is effective because it is free from biasness, covers large data in a single time and it can be used by anyone not familiar with these tasks. Moreover, it also allows the respondents to give their views as well through the open-ended questions (Bryman and Bell 2015). Collection of Data Collection of data will be done by both primary and secondary research. Primary research is a way by which the researcher collects data directly from the primary source. In this research, the researcher will collect primary data from the companies implementing CSR strategy. The collection of data will be done by distributing questionnaire via mail or physically going to the company. The participants of the questionnaire such as the managers and other stakeholders will be asked to fill the questionnaire independently. They are expected to give all their answers truly and with patience after understanding the crucial effects of their answers. On the other hand, secondary research will be conducted by viewing the past data and evidences about the influential effect of top managers on the implementation of sustainability report. The result of the research will be given in a descriptive way so that is can be easily understood by everyone (Hair 2015). Variable used While conducting the research, the researchers are met by different variables that manipulates their behavior and has an effect on the result of the research. Variables can be dependent, independent, moderate or intervening. The variable used in this research will be dependent variable, which is of primary interest to the researcher. The variable in this research are the top managers, the stakeholders of the companies and the sustainability report. These variables are interdependent on each other and are influenced by each other. The decision taken by the top managers and the stakeholders influence the result of sustainability report. On the other hand, the formulation of the sustainability report and the CSR initiative of the company affect the existence of managers and stakeholders both externally and internally. This shows that the variables of the company are dependent on each other. Thus, the research takes into account the dependent variables (Lee 2013). Conclusion From the above research, it can be deduced that the literature on the implementation of CSR by the companies has shown that the decision of formulating a sustainable report is influenced by the decision of the CEO and the needs of the stakeholders. The stakeholders of the company both internal and external are affected by the operations done by the company. Thus, it is important to include their decision while making the sustainability report. For the research two hypotheses, statement has been given by which the result will be denoted. Further, the research will be conducted with the help of primary and secondary research. The primary research will be done with the help of questionnaire and distributing them among twenty companies. For the purpose, a simple random sampling method will be chosen to make the task easy for the researcher. Thus, a qualitative analysis will help the researcher to find the effect of stakeholders and managers decision on the sustainability report of the fi rm. Result will be denoted in a descriptive way to make it easily understood by everyone. References Best, J.W. and Kahn, J.V., 2016.Research in education. Pearson Education India. Brown, D.H., 2013. Corporate social responsibility. Bryman, A. and Bell, E., 2015.Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA. Costa, R. and Menichini, T., 2013. A multidimensional approach for CSR assessment: The importance of the stakeholder perception.Expert Systems with Applications,40(1), pp.150-161. Crane, A., Matten, D. and Spence, L.J., 2013. Corporate social responsibility in a global context. Fernandez-Feijoo, B., Romero, S. and Ruiz, S., 2014. Effect of stakeholders pressure on transparency of sustainability reports within the GRI framework.Journal of Business Ethics,122(1), pp.53-63. Hair, J.F., 2015.Essentials of business research methods. ME Sharpe. He, L.J., Chen, C.J. and Chiang, H.T., 2015. Top manager background characteristics, family control and corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance.Journal of Applied Finance and Banking,5(1), p.65. Huang, S.K., 2013. The impact of CEO characteristics on corporate sustainable development.Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management,20(4), pp.234-244. Ioannou, I. and Serafeim, G., 2016. The consequences of mandatory corporate sustainability reporting: evidence from four countries. Korschun, D., Bhattacharya, C.B. and Swain, S.D., 2014. Corporate social responsibility, customer orientation, and the job performance of frontline employees.Journal of Marketing,78(3), pp.20-37. Lee, M.J., 2013.Methods of moments and semiparametric econometrics for limited dependent variable models. Springer Science Business Media. Manner, M. 2010. The impact of CEO characteristics on corporate social performance. Journal of Business Ethics 93(Supplement 1): 5372. Park, B.I. and Ghauri, P.N., 2015. Determinants influencing CSR practices in small and medium sized MNE subsidiaries: A stakeholder perspective.Journal of World Business,50(1), pp.192-204. Plewa, C., Conduit, J., Quester, P.G. and Johnson, C., 2015. The impact of corporate volunteering on CSR image: A consumer perspective.Journal of Business Ethics,127(3), pp.643-659. Rossi, P.H., Wright, J.D. and Anderson, A.B. eds., 2013.Handbook of survey research. Academic Press. Tai, F.M. and Chuang, S.H., 2014. Corporate social responsibility.Ibusiness,6(03), p.117. Tang, Y., Qian, C., Chen, G. and Shen, R., 2015. How CEO hubris affects corporate social (ir) responsibility.Strategic Management Journal,36(9), pp.1338-1357. Verma, H.K., Singh, R. and Smarandache, F., 2014. A family of median based estimators in simple random sampling.arXiv preprint arXiv:1408.3362.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Interaction of economic growth an Example of the Topic Government and Law Essays by

Interaction of economic growth and technological advancement Introduction The Western civilization has continued to evolve to be what it is today tracing its roots back to the fall of the Roman Empire. Western civilization has continued to flourish up to the present era in the whole of Europe, New Zealand, North America and Australia. The years between 1300-1500 are always classified as the Late Middle Ages and Early Renaissance. One memorable phenomena of this era was the Black Plague or Black Death, a bubonic plague outbreak that wiped close to a 1/3 of Europes population. The plague was rated as one of the most deadly pandemics in the history of mankind. This is because almost 75million people across the world lost their lives with the biggest number of victims being found in Europe where close to 50 million people died. (McKay, Hill, Buckler, 2003). The results of the plague encouraged a radical transformation of the economy and the European society at large. There was an obvious shortage of labor providing a fertile ground for economic diversification and innovation in technology. This period was a very tough period in Europe; there was famine and pestilence, which would lead to the capital accumulation intensification in the urban areas, stimulating the growth of trade and industry (McKay, Hill, Buckler, 2003). Need essay sample on "Interaction of economic growth and technological advancement" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed The Protestant Reformation played a very important role in the transformation not only on the dominance of the Catholic Church but the whole of Europe as well. The Reformation came about because the Catholic Church then, wielded so much power that it had become so wealthy and corrupt. This made the likes of Martin Luther revolt in1517 against this authority. His ideas would spread so quickly fueling the flames of Protestantism across Europe, which would eventually bear the fruits of the nation-state. Leaders like Henry VIII used these ideas to break away from the yoke of the Catholic Church (McKay, Hill, Buckler, 2003).. The invention of the movable type by Johannes Gutenberg in 1450 enable the ideas to be printed ant transmitted much faster than before greatly influencing the printing of the Bible and would help the development of academic freedom. (McKay, Hill, Buckler, 2003) During the 14th century the influence of feudalism system was declining giving way to the influence of the middle class in Europe. The middle-class was normally defined as the social class that fell between the nobility on one hand and the peasantry on the other. This class consisted of people with some form of economic independence, and included professionals and merchants some farmers, skilled workers and bureaucrats. This class lacked great social and political power. (McKay, Hill, Buckler, 2003) The rise of the middle class directly influenced the growth of towns and cities and went on to influence the growth of Europe economically. Subsequently the renaissance a new cultural movement in the West started taking shape. Renaissance began in Italy because Italy was generally dominated by city-states. The city-states were to some extent part of the Italy Roman Empire and were overseen either by the Pope of some wealthy aristocrats. It was during the renaissance period that a new age was ushered in, the age of scientific and intellectual inquiry. (McKay, Hill, Buckler, 2003) This era was characterized greatly by various discoveries and technological advancement. Notable examples included Nicolaus Copernicus, the first to discover that planets revolve around the sun as opposed to the geocentric model of the universe as was previously believed, Galileo developed the telescope and Sir Isaac Newton pioneered physics. All this experiments and discoveries would eventually lead to the scientific revolution. Many other changes were taking place in Europe including the reformation, which marked the changes in the Christianity world. (McKay, Hill, Buckler, 2003) Previously Europe was easy target to invasions from areas like Africa, Asia and other non-western regions in Europe, this played a big role in technological backwardness. However this was to change, by 1500 when Europe was soon to overtake the rest of world technologically. A combination of trade and technology would lead to the unprecedented growth of the Western civilization. Europe had come of age and was now a master of the globe the change in Europe was the precursor to the beginning of globalization and modernization. (McKay, Hill, Buckler, 2003) Agriculture was the predominant economic factor in the 1500s and this progress took shape in 2 forms: -Technical innovation and -Agricultural progress This two were interconnected because of the raise of the city-states, agricultural activity became intensified because there existed an incentive to produce more; the large population in urban centers greatly boosted the expansion of agricultural activity. This in turn led to the development of better farming techniques, which included improved drainage, better pasture and the increase in animal population. Agricultural advancement would eventually have serious implications of the reorganization of land from small to bigger farms. The decline in the number of small farm holders led to employment of wage labor and spurred the machinery advancement. (Spielvogel, Jackson J. 1994) Because of the increased methods of food and animal production the food became surplus and new markets for the produce had to be found. Partly this is one of the factors that led the western world to look further a field for not only new markets but resources as well. Western explorers who include such names as Christopher Columbus, James Cook, Ferdinand Magellan and Vasco Da Gamma laid the groundwork for the discovery of new lands. (Spielvogel, Jackson J. 1994) It was Portugal that can be credited with the inventiveness for the exploration of the Atlantic. Riding on the zeal of the Christian missionary plus the thirst for wealth and the thrill for new discovery saw the likes of Prince Henry the Navigator heading and directing major explorations. Through such explorations, new frontiers were opened up. China and Indonesia were reached by 1514 by the Portuguese and by 1542 Japan was already experiencing the Catholic missionary activities. The Portuguese exploration prowess was soon to attract new-comers like the Spanish whose Ferdinand Magellan is credited for sailing the globe in 1519 and laying claim to places like the Philippines. The evolution of new and lethal weapons like muskets and cannons greatly facilitated the imperial expansion both on sea and land by the West, which also included the Ottoman Turks. The new technology was also very instrumental in other empires like the Qing Chinese, Persian and Russian Empires. These empires were to be known as the gunpowder states. (Spielvogel, Jackson J. 1994) The gunpowder states continued to conquer new lands and the relations between states and merchants was soon to replace the role of intermediaries that nomads played. There was also a major transformation of the labor systems because of the growth of slavery and serfdom. Because of these and various other changes it saw an increase in wealth and cultural contacts which increased the number of new opportunities across every field, thereby fueling the Western Civilization. It was during this time also that rapid changes in the environment occurred brought about by the movement of food and animals and with it diseases. (Spielvogel, Jackson J. 1994) This was the beginning of the age of discovery or the age of exploration because of the increase in population in Europe. Because of the improvement of technology there was a need to establish new trading routes. Another driving force for these explorations was the search for gold silver and spices that were more or less trading commodities. The renaissance era had brought with it new technologies and new ideas. This greatly improved navigational skills, cartography, firepower and shipbuilding. This was the beginning of over sea trade, which would eventually lead to slave trade. Conclusion The greatest initiative during the 16th century that can be said to have contributed to the Western Civilization is the Renaissance that brought with it the improvement in navigational skills. Motivated by the quest to search for new trade routes, Portugal and Spain led the pack in Europe by opening up virgin frontiers that would later pave the way for the colonization of new lands. However, Western civilization also brought with it the spread of diseases, slave trade and exchange of food crops across the continents in what was to be later called the Columbian Exchange. (Spielvogel, Jackson J. 1994) REFERENCES McKay, Hill, Buckler, (2003): A History of Western Society Since 1400, 7th ed, Spielvogel, Jackson J. (1994): Western Civilization: Volume I: To 1715. Second edition. St. Paul: West Publishing Company,.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Example of Two Sample T Test and Confidence Interval

Example of Two Sample T Test and Confidence Interval Sometimes in statistics, it is helpful to see worked out examples of problems.   These examples can help us in figuring out similar problems.   In this article, we will walk through the process of conducting inferential statistics for a result concerning two population means. Not only will we see how to conduct a hypothesis test about the difference of two population means, we will also construct a confidence interval for this difference.   The methods that we use are sometimes called a two sample t test and a two sample t confidence interval. The Statement of the Problem Suppose we wish to test the mathematical aptitude of grade school children.   One question that we may have is if higher grade levels have higher mean test scores. A simple random sample of 27 third graders is given a math test, their answers are scored, and the results are found to have a mean score of 75 points with a sample standard deviation of 3 points. A simple random sample of 20 fifth graders is given the same math test and their answers are scored. The mean score for the fifth graders is 84 points with a sample standard deviation of 5 points. Given this scenario we ask the following questions: Does the sample data provide us with evidence that the mean test score of the population of all fifth graders exceeds the mean test score of the population of all third graders?What is a 95% confidence interval for the difference in mean test scores between the populations of third graders and fifth graders? Conditions and Procedure We must select which procedure to use. In doing this we must make sure and check that conditions for this procedure have been met. We are asked to compare two population means. One collection of methods that can be used to do this are those for two-sample t-procedures. In order to use these t-procedures for two samples, we need to make sure that the following conditions hold: We have two simple random samples from the two populations of interest.Our simple random samples do not constitute more than 5% of the population.The two samples are independent of one another, and there is no matching between the subjects.The variable is normally distributed.Both the population mean and standard deviation are unknown for both of the populations. We see that most of these conditions are met.   We were told that we have simple random samples.   The populations that we are studying are large as there are millions of students in these grade levels. The condition that we are unable to automatically assume is if the test scores are normally distributed. Since we have a large enough sample size, by the robustness of our t-procedures we do not necessarily need the variable to be normally distributed. Since the conditions are satisfied, we perform a couple of preliminary calculations. Standard Error The standard error is an estimate of a standard deviation. For this statistic, we add the sample variance of the samples and then take the square root. This gives the formula: (s1 2 / n1 s22 / n2)1/2 By using the values above, we see that the value of the standard error is (32 / 27 52 / 20)1/2 (1 / 3 5 / 4 )1/2 1.2583 Degrees of Freedom We can use the conservative approximation for our degrees of freedom. This may underestimate the number of degrees of freedom, but it is much easier to calculate than using Welchs formula. We use the smaller of the two sample sizes, and then subtract one from this number. For our example, the smaller of the two samples is 20. This means that the number of degrees of freedom is 20 - 1 19. Hypothesis Test We wish to test the hypothesis that fifth-grade students have a mean test score that is greater than the mean score of third-grade students. Let ÃŽ ¼1 be the mean score of the population of all fifth graders. Similarly, we let ÃŽ ¼2 be the mean score of the population of all third graders. The hypotheses are as follows: H0: ÃŽ ¼1 - ÃŽ ¼2 0Ha: ÃŽ ¼1 - ÃŽ ¼2 0 The test statistic is the difference between the sample means, which is then divided by the standard error. Since we are using sample standard deviations to estimate the population standard deviation, the test statistic from the t-distribution. The value of the test statistic is (84 - 75)/1.2583. This is approximately 7.15. We now determine what the p-value is for this hypothesis test. We look at the value of the test statistic, and where this is located on a t-distribution with 19 degrees of freedom. For this distribution, we have 4.2 x 10-7 as our p-value. (One way to determine this is to use the T.DIST.RT function in Excel.) Since we have such a small p-value, we reject the null hypothesis. The conclusion is that the mean test score for fifth graders is higher than the mean test score for third graders. Confidence Interval Since we have established that there is a difference between the mean scores, we now determine a confidence interval for the difference between these two means. We already have much of what we need. The confidence interval for the difference needs to have both an estimate and a margin of error. The estimate for the difference of two means is straightforward to calculate. We simply find the difference of the sample means. This difference of the sample means estimates the difference of the population means. For our data, the difference in sample means is 84 – 75 9. The margin of error is slightly more difficult to compute. For this, we need to multiply the appropriate statistic by the standard error. The statistic that we need is found by consulting a table or statistical software. Again using the conservative approximation, we have 19 degrees of freedom. For a 95% confidence interval we see that t* 2.09. We could use the T.INV function in Excel to calculate this value. We now put everything together and see that our margin of error is 2.09 x 1.2583, which is approximately 2.63. The confidence interval is 9  Ã‚ ± 2.63. The interval is 6.37 to 11.63 points on the test that the fifth and third graders chose.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Chemistry Abbreviations Starting With the Letter E

Chemistry Abbreviations Starting With the Letter E Chemistry abbreviations and acronyms are common in all fields of science. This collection offers common abbreviations and acronyms beginning with the letter E used in chemistry and chemical engineering. Abbreviations With the Letter E e - electrone- - electronE - EnergyE1520 - Propylene GlycolEA - Epoxy AdhesiveEA - Ethyl AcetateEAA - Ethylene Acrylic AcidEAM - Embedded Atom MethodEAS - Electrophilic Aromatic SubstitutionEB - Electrode BarrierEBSD - Electron BackScatter DiffractionEBT - Eriochrome Black T indicatorEC - Electron CaptureEC - Ethyl CarbonateECD - Electron Capture DetectorECH - Enoyl-CoA HydrataseEDI - Electrical De-IonizationEDP - Ethylene Diamine PyrocatecholEDT - 1,2-Ethane DiThiolEDTA - Ethylene-Diamine-Tetra-Acetic acidEE - Ether ExtractEEC - Equilibrium Equivalent ConcentrationEEC - Evaporation Emission ControlEEEI - Effective Electron-Electron InteractionEER - Equilibrium Exchange RateEET - Excitation Energy TransferEG - Ethylene GlycolEGE - Ethylene Glycol EtherEGO - Exhaust Gas OxygenEGR - Entropy Gradient ReversalEGTA - Ethylene Glycol Tetraacetic AcidEHF - Extremely High FrequencyEIC - Electromagnetically-Induced ChiralityELF - Extremely Low FrequencyEM - ElectroMagneticEM - Elevated Moistu reEMA - Ethylene Methacrylic AcidEMF - ElectroMotive ForceEN - Ethylene NaphthalateEOF - ElectroOsmotic FlowEP - Ethylene PolypropyleneEPA - Environmental Protection AgencyEPD - End Point DilutionEPDM - Ethyl Propyl Diene MonomerEPH - Extractable Petroleum HydrocarbonsEPI - EPInephrineEq - EquivalentEr - ErbiumERW - Electrolyzed Reduced WaterEs - EinsteiniumES - Excited StateETOH - Ethyl AlcoholEu - EuropiumEV - Exceptional VacuumEVA - Ethylene Vinyl AcetateEVOH - Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma - Coursework Example Since taking the course, I have begun to understand two important challenges to this Friedman idea of an 'ethics free' or 'ethics neutral' business approach. First, ethics and self interest are not necessarily at odds with one another. In other words, corporations all over the world are 'going green' or finding non-exploitive ways of extracting goods and services from the developing world. However, they are not doing so because they are singularly altruistic. Rather, they are doing so because the market is demanding this. The more consumers become more ethically aware, especially around global issues, the more they place those demands on the producers of goods and services that they consume [Asgary and Mitschow, 2002, 241]. Indeed, some individuals now consciously choose a product or service because of its ethical practices as compared with competitors for the very same service. Thus, one of the things that I have learned that really challenged some of my personal assumptions, was th e idea that profit making and being ethical could be complimentary rather than antagonistic toward one-another. The other area that was learned in this course, concerns the actual evaluation of ethics and morals. If ethics concerns the right choice to make given a particular situation, then, 'meta-ethics' concerns the right ethical model for the problem or decision in question [Megone and Robinson, 2002, 2]. As a meta-ethical issue, there are three major models of ethics – namely, deontological, consequentialist/utilitarian and virtue ethics [Trevino and Nelson, 2010, 41ff.]. While it can be said that utilitarianism (the greatest good for the greatest number) and deontological (golden mean or will only that which can be willed universally) are both formulas and almost quantifiable models, virtue ethics is different. Virtue ethics looks at the intrinsic worth of acting morally. Rather than applying a formula to a situation (utilitarianism and deontological), virtue ethics look s at what qualifies as an ethical individual, and in turn, looks at how an ethical or virtuous individual will evaluate a situation, and in turn, how they will decide on one option over and against an other. It is interesting to note that all three models can be applied to the very same case study or ethical problem, and the result or the outcome decision can be quite different. Thus, one of the areas that I was exposed to in this course, was the area of meta-ethics. That is, the view or analysis of different and competing models for understanding and interpreting ethical decisions or moral dilemmas. ETHICAL DILEMMA: In high-school, I had a job working in a retail store which had a low hourly wage, but a decent commission. My manager at that store, basically taught me that misleading the customer would produce better results. Further, while individuals were compensated for their particular sales, there was also a capital pool where profits were shared among employees for all sales. Thus, because of the commission situation, there was a profit incentive to be misleading and manipulative. The practice of misleading customers, however, never really sat well with me or that my â€Å"guts† [Trevino and Nelson, 2010, 58] were telling me that this was wrong. My dilemma was that I was doing something I knew was wrong,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Week 7 questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Week 7 questions - Essay Example He has seemed depressed, often a few minutes late for work, low-energy. One of Mitchs coworkers mentioned to you that Mitch told him he "just wanted to blast everybody", and at another time he "just wanted to close the door and turn off the lights." The coworker is concerned about Mitch. What should you do? As a supervisor of 10 employees, I have the responsibilities about their safety and health. I will talk to Mitch and will so that I would know his condition and if I found out that he is not really capable of working along with the other employee’s advice to leave will be highly recommended until he will be ok and ready to work again. As an employee he has the responsibilities to work safety along with the other employees and I do also have the responsibilities of protecting all my employees as a supervisor especially inside the premises of the workplace. Employers and employees have corresponding responsibilities to each their while in the workplace and I think it would just be relevant to give justice equally to all the members of the organization. You are the HR person for Midwest Aviation, a company that provides private charter flights and maintenance services for private planes. The safety guidelines and regulations require that pilots and maintenance people wear belts, harnasses, and other safety gear when performing their jobs in and around the airplanes. You know - from first hand experience as well as what others have told you - that most times they dont wear the safety gear. "It gets in the way," is the reason given. "Weve been doing it this way for years and nobodys been hurt yet," they say. Short of threatening to fire people, what are some ways you could motivate them to follow the safety procedures? Some of the ways I can do to be able to convince them to follow the safety procedure is that, I will try to talk to the high ranking position of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Existentialism in Mersault Essay Example for Free

Existentialism in Mersault Essay Albert Camus was a French writer who is also a existentialism philosopher. He contributes to the development of the philosophy of existentialism, although he refused to be associated with any ideology. His philosophical thoughts contained in his writings. Camus delivers it by creating fictional characters and dramatic events, not only in the form of thought and analysis. The idea of absurdity, or things contrary to the common view, and his paradoxically thoughts contained in his works which one them is seen in his work this novel entitle The Outsider. Meursault as the main character in the novel is described as a man who make the sense of his life in his own view. He felt that the life he lived is normal although people around him think that he is different. This is seen when she was confronted by the news of his mothers death. He was just responding to it as a natural that every human being in the world must be both experiencing life and death later on, today, tomorrow, or whenever it was. In the funeral, he shows the attitude indifferent as not wanting to see his mothers corpse, cry to her, or shows a deep grief to the attendants. Because he said, he had no reason to be sad or mourn his mother, because once again he considers this is a natural. This is seen in the quote below. Mother died today. Or maybe yesterday, I don’t know. I had a telegram from the home: ‘Mother passed away. Funeral tomorrow. Yours sincerely. ’ That doesn’t mean anything. It may have been yesterday. Camus (1982: 3) Not only on her mothers funeral, he is indifferent, but also to live a life he is very flat and unemotional. However, behind it there is the nature of honesty in him. This is evident because in every action and word he just saying what is on his mind without exaggerating or saying unnecessary. As well as Marie, her girlfriend asks him to marry her, she just say yes, but when he asked again he replied that it was not important, and if Marie wants him to marry her he would marry her. She then wanted to know if I loved her. I replied as I had done once already, that it didn’t mean anything but that I probably didn’t. ‘ Why marry me then? ’ she said. I explained to her that it really didn’t matter and that if she wanted to, we could get married. Anyway, she was the one who was asking me and I was simply saying yes. Camus (1982: 39) For Meursault he lives in this world with his own will without having to think or follow the rules set in the environment. He lived his life like what he wants without having to regret. As he revealed about a his crime that killing an Arab. While in prison he refused to hire a lawyer to help him resolve the case, but he finally agreed to use a lawyer who has been appointed by the prison authorities. He does this because he thinks he does not need defense from other people on what he has done. The lawyer had been made upset by Mersault because Meursault does not want to assert a defense or try to provide evidence to alleviate his crime. As an explanation of the existentialism humanism earlier, that no regulator or legislator but himself. Accordingly himself that he must decide for himself anyway by looking outside itself a goal of self-liberation to this man can Realize himself as truly human. In the novel Meursault refuses anyone governing what he should do and assumptions that he are wrong. He said no one or anything else that can be a regulator or legislator could influence it. He just lived his life according to his own views in giving meaning in his life and he never regretted anything he has done even though he himself did not think that what he did was the right thing. This can be seen in the following quotation. Of course, I couldn’t help admitting that he was right. I didn’t much regret what I’d done. Bus I was surprised that he was so furious about it. I’d have like to have explained to him in a friendly way, almost affectionately, that I’d never really been able to regret anything. Camus (1982: 93) He determined by the death sentence by a judge because of his indifferent of her mother’s death. The judge explain that a few days later he instead has a date with Marie and watch a funny movie with her, befriends and involves in his neighbor named Raymond revenge to Raymonds mistress, and goes on a beach vacation with both, Meursault passes tragic life as if nothing has happened. While his waiting to the day of his death sentence we can see what the true essence of life in Meursault’s view, in the rage of his thought in prison. It does not mean that he is not afraid of death, but he deals it with his own. Several times he refused to meet with the chaplain, because he thought it just wastes his time that just few remains to talk about things that are not meant for him. Meursault is told in this novel as one who does not believe in God or atheism. According to him, how he lived or what the purpose of life is determined by himself without the involvement from other people. It seen in quote below. From the depths of my future, throughout the whole of this absurd life I’d been leading, I’d felt a vague breath drifting towards me across all years that were still to come, and on its way this breath had evened out everything that was then being proposed to me in the equally unreal years I was living through. Camus (1982: 111) As if this great outburst of anger had purged all my ills, killed all my hopes, I looked up the mass of signs and stars in the sky and laid myself open for the first time to benign indifference of the world. And finding it so much like myself, in fact so fraternal, I realized that I’d been happy, and that I was still happy. For the final consummation and for me to feel less alone, my last wish was that there should be a crowd of spectators at my execution and that they should greet me with cries of hatred. Camus (1982: 113) The second quote is the last paragraph in this novel that tells the last time before his execution. In those sentences, that Meursault reveals is evident that he feels happy when he faces death. He thinks that the world is not concerned with human problems and it has similarly with him who was indifferent to the human problems that are not related to him. Thus, he thought that after his death, he will unite with the world and he will not feel lonely. Meursault also said that his life would be more meaningful if his death was witnessed by people who raining him with cried of hatred than if he dies in solitude. He thinks this will be memorized by the people who have witnessed the death. CONCLUSION From the explanation of analysis above it can be conclude that Mersault as the main character of the novel The Outsider is existentialist. It depicted by the author, Albert Camus through Mersault’s says, acts, and thoughts, which describe that Mersault lives his live with his own way and his own view. He argues that in the world there is no one or single thing that can be regulator or legislator, which can influence his life. It is only himself who knows what he should do an how he lives his life in this world. Lives the life in the world is the basic of basic structure of human existence. The conjunction in the words shows that existence of human cannot escape from his world. Impossible that man released from his world and, otherwise, the world may not be released from human who constructed it. There is also no two experiences are identical. Therefore, existence is a privately owned, that existence is not replaceable by anyone. It clearly described in Mersault’s character who is indifferent to the other things that in his opinion those things are does not mean anything to him.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

AIDS/HIV :: essays research papers

Different people define success in many different ways. What is considered success by one person may be viewed as failure by another person. Randy Shilts, a homosexual newspaper reporter / author, attempts to make fundamental changes in America’s opinion on AIDS. In Randy Shilts’s essay, "Talking AIDS to Death," he speaks of his experiences as an "AIDS celebrity." At the core of Shilts’s essay is the statement, "Never before have I succeeded so well; never before have I failed so miserably"(221). Shilts can see his accomplishments from two points of view- as a success and as a failure. Despite instant fame, Shilts is not satisfied with the effects his writings has on the general public. Shilts’s "success" and reasons for failure can both be considered when one decides whether or not his efforts were performed in vain. From a superficial stand point Randy Shilts, without a doubt, has become a great success with the release of his book And the Band Played On. Almost over night, Shilts is emerged in all the luxuries of stardom. "I quickly acquired all the trappings of bestsellerdom: 60 Minutes coverage of my "startling" revelations, a Book-of-the-Month Club contract, a miniseries deal with NBC, translation into six languages, book tours on three continents, featured roles in movie-star-studded AIDS fund raisers, regular appearances on network news shows, and hefty fees on the college lecture circuit" (220). These benefits, along with numerous others, mark that of a "successful" person. Hopes 2 However, a deeper look into the expectations Shilts has for his book can offer an explanation to why Shilts was not a complete success. Randy Shilts set out to make monumental changes in the world’s perspective of AIDS. He planned to enlighten, motivate, and educate the population on this tragic disease that has already claimed so many lives. He believed that virtually all the misconceptions about AIDS would be corrected and the public would insist that more be done to stop the epidemic. "I had hoped to effect some fundamental changes. I really believed I could alter the performance of the institutions that had allowed AIDS to sweep through America unchecked" (220). Shilts’s immense expectations positioned him for his inevitable sense of failure. He did not accomplished all that he had planned. AIDS was still spreading and people were still dying. "The bitter irony is, my role as an AIDS celebrity just gives me a more elevated promontory from which to watch the world make the same mistakes in the handling of the AIDS epidemic that I hoped my work would help to change"(220).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Resident Concerns Over Hazardous Waste Incinerator Environmental Sciences Essay

XYZ Company ( XYZ ) has proposed constructing a risky waste incineration works in the rural town of ABC, California. The dwellers of ABC are concerned about the possible wellness and environmental effects of holding XYZ in their community. The community members are concerned about noise, pollution, and environmental effects the new works will hold on their wellness. I am an Environmental Health Expert, and the local Health Officer has asked my sentiment on the proposed works as it pertains to zoning, province licenses, and nuisances to the community. Concerns Sing the Undertaking Zoning – is the procedure of land development within municipalities. It is a map of the metropolis authorities, and it dictates how available metropolis land is used. If the land is situated within the metropolis bounds so the land would hold to be zoned for commercial usage every bit good as risky wastes storage and devastation. If the proposed risky waste incinerator is on county or federal land there if nil the dwellers of the metropolis can make to halt the building based on districting Torahs ( Miniclier, 1991 ) , ( Smiley, 1989 ) . The metropolis would non hold legal power over county or federal land. Many times counties do non hold districting regulations that would forbid the edifice of an incineration works. Concerns – I would oppugn as to when the current districting Torahs became effectual, and are they adequate for the proposed undertaking. I would desire to guarantee that districting Torahs mitigated any jobs associated with extra commercial vehicles coming into the country. They would besides hold to turn to the storage and devastation of risky stuffs. This is a comparatively new scientific discipline, and the zoning Torahs that govern the current solid waste works are at least 20 old ages old. The districting Torahs that apply to the solid waste incinerator may non back up the development of a risky waste works. A reappraisal of the Torahs should be executed to find if the new works could lawfully be situated on the proposed site. Permits – There are a overplus of licenses that this undertaking would necessitate. First, and first, risky waste installations must run into the guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) , in 40 C.F.R, Part 264, with supplemented EPA proficient and permit counsel ( Environment Technology Council ) . The province has many of its ain ordinances sing risky waste installations as good. There are building, technology, and land development permits that must be obtained before building can get down. Inspectors from both federal and province authoritiess oversee each measure of the building procedure. After building is completed so a proving stage will get down with a conditional license. The EPA ensures the consequences from each test burn are within acceptable parametric quantities. If all the needed criterions are met a lasting license will be issued. Although the concluding license is considered lasting, the license can be pulled if the works fails to keep safety criterions as established by the EPA. Concerns – A reappraisal of all licenses sing air quality, emanations, traffic suspension, environmental impact, etc, is to take topographic point. These paperss need to be shared with the community to educate them on the permitting procedure, and increase their cognition of how the edifice of the incinerator will come on through the regulative system. This will prosecute the community stakeholders in the building procedure. I would promote that the Health Officer reappraisal and go familiar with the article â€Å" Monitoring PCDD/Fs in Soil and Herbage Samples Collected Near a Hazardous Waste Incinerator: Health Risks for the Population Living Nearby, † by Montse Mari et Al. This article chronicles the emanations of a risky waste incinerator in Spain over a six twelvemonth period, the consequences of which show â€Å" the HWI did non significantly increase PCDD/F degrees in dirts and pasturage of the environing environment. Furthermore, PCDD/F emanations from the HWI do non intend extra important hazards for the wellness of the persons populating in the locality of the installation. † ( Montse Mari, 2007 ) Waste installations that are suitably permitted and monitored show negligible impact to the community and countryside around them. These facts should relieve some of the frights of the community. Nuisance – Three countries likely to bring forth nuisance ailments will be in respects to odor, traffic and noise. As antecedently discussed, the issue of traffic suspension should hold been addressed in the zoning procedure. Safe hauling paths need to be identified that would besiege most of the common roadways used by the dwellers of ABC, thereby relieving traffic congestion issues. Odor will be a bigger job. Prior to the works being built the site will be analyzed for air current flow forms. The intent of the analysis will be to guarantee that residuary stuff left in the vapour fumes can pay out without negatively impacting the environing countryside, metropolis, or farming area ( Rogers & A ; Willis, 1992 ) . That trial does non take into history olfactory property. The bringing trucks and their lading will bring forth olfactory property. Wind does non blow in one way all the clip ; it flows and moves as influenced by rain, fog, or sunlight. The olfactory property from the works operations can non be contained and funneled in a individual way, therefore it is much more likely to be a nuisance to the community. Odor suspension is necessary to guarantee the success of the undertaking. Noise will be a concern for the life of this undertaking. Site development, building, and bringing of stuffs will all increase the noise pollution around the works. Addressing the noise pollution concerns prior to building will be indispensable ( Noise pollution, 1993 ) . Failure to program for noise concerns could endanger the effectivity of the site should regulations be enacted the restrict noise degrees to those below the sum that is emitted by the works in its normal operations. Concerns – Discussions with the community members and undertaking builders sing these nuisance issues has non taken topographic point. Opening duologue between these groups may help in relieving ailments in the hereafter.Risk Management PrinciplesThe Commission on Risk Assessment and Risk Management ‘s â€Å" Principles for Risk Management Decision Making † recommends the undermentioned six stairss be portion of any hazard determination procedure: â€Å" Good hazard direction determination: Addresses a clearly articulated job in its public wellness and ecological context. Elicits the positions of those affected by the determination. Is based on a careful consideration of scientific grounds that supports the decisions about the possible hazards to human wellness and the ecosystem. Is made after sing a scope of hazard direction options. Gives precedence to forestalling hazards, non merely commanding them. Are sensitive to political, societal, legal, and cultural considerations. † ( TUI University, 2010 ) It does non look from this scenario that the Health Officer, builders, or metropolis contrivers engaged any of these rules. They are holding community recoil jobs because these stairss were ignored from the beginning of the undertaking. In fact, the Health Officer, himself, is holding concerns which could hold been alleviated had this procedure been employed. Having a risky waste installation in 1s ‘ vicinity is traveling to politicise the community. If the community had concerns sing the safety of the current garbage dump, how much more will they have with a risky waste installation coming into the country? The Health Officer, every bit good as the builders, would be wise to take a page from history and non except the abodes from treatments about this proposed works. Kings County, in Central California, failed to prosecute the Hispanic population when they were suggesting a risky waste enlargement to the solid waste shit installation, and it earned them a Civil Rights case, which the county lost ( Kay, 1992 ) .DecisionThe Health Officer should step in in the permitting procedure and temporarily halt this undertaking traveling frontward. A hazard appraisal of the undertaking needs to be completed following the â€Å" Principles for Risk Management Decision Making † ( TUI University, 2010 ) . Scientific grounds profiling how d ecently permitted and regulated workss can hold negligible effects on the environment needs to be shared with the community. A thorough reappraisal of all districting Torahs and proposed traffic paths need to be studied to guarantee that the extra traffic will non impact the occupants of the community. Measures to relieve the olfactory properties from the new works demand to be exhaustively researched and shared with the stakeholders. The Health Officer and developers must link with the community stakeholders if they want this to be a successful undertaking.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Continental Airlines: Flying High with Its Data Warehouse

The airline industry is a competitive market in which some airlines are profitable while others are not. During the late 1990s, most airlines were lucrative because fuel costs were relatively low and travel was at an all time high amongst flyers. Recently, the airline industry has taken a severe hit due to the increased rate of oil, the 9/11 attacks, and anti-traffic control system to name a few. However, Continental Airlines remains one of the largest airlines in the United States holding its rank in fourth place amongst other airline companies.Initially, Continental Airlines was not highly regarded because of its information technology (IT) and organizational culture. Unlike other airline companies, Continental Airlines has taken extreme measures by adopting new strategies to overhaul its IT department altogether. The information systems Continental had in place was old and outdated because it did not provide information of its most valuable customers. The Transaction Processing Fa cility (TPF) was the old IBM mainframe system Continental’s IT team had during the late 1990s. The system was not designed for customer service.In order for Continental to accomplish its goals, the IT team realized the need to replace its old mainframe. The IT team determined it needed to integrate into one system by consolidating the airline’s disparate customer management relationship (CRM) systems. As a result, Continental joined forces with Teradata to build an enterprise data warehouse comprised of 25 enterprise systems. The warehouses consist of â€Å"schedules, reservations, customer profiles and demographics, airline maintenance records and schedules, employee and crew payroll, and customer care† (Rainer & Turban, 2008, p.132).Additionally, executives of Continental Airlines were able to develop the Customer Value Metric (CVM), which enables them to determine how much money customers spend with its airlines and the costs of flying the customer as well. T he data warehouse is a repository of historical data that assist with business operations to include â€Å"data mining, decision support, and querying applications† (Rainer & Turban, 2008, p. 117). Many components make up the data warehouse such as business dimensions in which data is organized by customers, vendors, product, price level, and region.The data in various databases are encoded differently and kept historically for many years. Once data enters the warehouse it is not updated. Databases use online transaction processing (OLTP), in which business transactions are processed online as they occur. Typically, data warehouses are designed to support decision makers by using online analytical processing (OLAP) for the analysis of mass data by end users. Data is stored in a multidimensional structure as well. All data in the data warehouse comes from Continental Airlines operational databases which can be relational databases as well.These components enable users access t o corporate data for analyzing. Special software such as extract, transform, and load (ETL) are used to process data to later store in a data warehouse. However, only a summary of data is transferred to the warehouse. This data is organized in a form that is easy for end users when accessing. The reason why Continental Airlines remains successful is due to their strategies for improving and enhancing quality customer service with many functions implemented by their IT team.Continental Airlines main focus is increasing customer rewards and incentives of frequent flyers that are loyal customers, while gaining new customers that are profitable too. Continental Airlines contributes its success to the quality customer service and customer satisfaction it provides by expanding its routes and serving meals on every flight. Some airline companies have gone bankrupt while others simply choose not to improve their quality of customer service. As a result, customers have become irritated due t o the lack of reasonable rates, delays, and strict rules of other airline companies.In closing, information technology is essential for airline companies. Some airline companies may choose to stick with basic airline technology. However, an airline company can enhance its level of customer service and profitability based on the type of changes it needs to make. Executives of an airline company can look to its IT department to strategize ways to utilize information systems that best fits its goals, business practices, mission statement, customer service, and customer satisfaction.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

2019 Writing Contests The Ultimate Guide - Freewrite Store

2019 Writing Contests The Ultimate Guide - Freewrite Store 20 Writing Contests in 2019 Finding the right writing contest for you can be a difficult and time-consuming process. I googled the term â€Å"writing contests† and got 126,000,000 results. For that reason, we compiled a comprehensive and up-to-date list of the best writing contests in 2019. You’re here because you’re looking for credible writing contests that offer cash prizes and/or the ability to get your work in front of more people.  Discover the best essay, poetry, novel, and short story writing competitions for fiction and non-fiction writers. Disclaimer:The majority of the descriptions of each contest were taken directly from the most relevant contest website. We did the leg work and we’ll continue to curate and update this list throughout the year. If you want to receive updates when we update this list, sign up for updates! Submit your work to these competitions for a chance to win notoriety, rewards and of course, cash prizes. Related: Struggling to get your piece finished before the competition deadline? UseSprinter, our online, distraction-free writing tool. Produce your best work by staying productive and creative. Did we miss a writing competition? Let us know in the comments or by tweeting at us, @astrohaus. 20 Writing Contests in 2019 1. 2019 fresh.ink Fiction Contest To celebrate the launch of our beta reader platform, we're hosting a fiction writing contest with $7,500 in prizes. Our judging process is unique and very transparent. Instead of editors, we match your work with private beta readers on our fresh.ink platform who rate your story. Highest overall score wins in each of the four categories: short story, novelette, novella, and novel! Deadline:December 1st, 2019  Fee: None  Prize:  $1,000 - $3,000  Ã‚  View Contest 2. Amazing Women's Edition Tell us about an amazing woman. The National Youth Foundation is pleased to announce the 2020 Amazing Women's Edition Contest student book competition. Students are tasked to get to know women in their communities and tell us about the heroines. The contest is open to students in grades K-8. Prizes include $500 for the student(s), $250 for the teacher or parent advisor and the book is published and donated to schools and libraries across the country. Deadline:  January 6, 2019  Fee:  None  Prize:  $500 and Publication of Book  View Contest 3. 2019 Accenti Writing Contest The annual Accenti Writing Contest has an open topic.  Multiple entries are welcome.  The contest is open to prose works of fiction, non-fiction or creative non-fiction with a maximum length of 2000 words.  Winners are chosen by blind judging. Four finalists make the shortlist, from which the judges choose the winner.  The popular vote winner is the submission from among the four finalists that receives the most votes by Accenti readers. Winners' names, bios and submissions will be posted on Accenti in May and reported in the Accenti Newsletter. Top prize: $1000.00 (CDN) and publication in Accenti.  Two runner-up prizes: $100.00 (CDN) each and publication in Accenti.  Popular Vote prize: $100.00 (CDN) and publication in Accenti.Deadline: February 3rd, 2020  Ã‚  Fee: $30  Ã‚  Prize: $100 - $1,000 View Contest 4. The Juniper Literary Prizes The Juniper Literary Prizes showcase distinctive and fresh voices and share their work with a wide array of readers. Every year, faculty-judges from the distinguished  University of Massachusetts MFA program select two  winners in poetry, two in  fiction, and one in creative nonfiction, and the awardees each receive an honorarium of $1,000 and a publication contract with the University of Massachusetts Press. Deadline:September 30, 2019  Fee:  $30  Prize: $1,000 View Contest 5. WOW! Women On Writing Summer 2019 Flash Fiction Contest Seeking short fiction of any genre between 250 - 750 words. The mission of this contest is to inspire creativity, communication, and well-rewarded recognition to contestants. Electronic submissions via e-mail only; reprints are okay; simultaneous submissions okay; reprints okay; multiple submissions are okay as long as they are submitted in their own individual e-mail. Open internationally. Limit: 300 entries. Entry: $10 entry fee; critique option for an additional $10 Deadline:  August 31, 2019  Fee:$10  Prize:  Up to $400 + publication  Ã‚  View Contest 6. 2019 African American Voices in Children’s Literature: Writing Contest Strive Publishing Free Spirit Publishing are partnering to shine a spotlight onMinnesota’s African American authors in the first annual African American Voicesin Children’s Literature Writing Contest. Eligible entries will include original fiction or nonfiction board books for ages 0–4 (50–125 words) and picture books for ages 4–8 (300–800 words) featuring contemporary African American characters and culture and focusing on one or more of the following topics: character development, self-esteem, diversity, getting along with others, engaging with family and community, or other topics related to positive childhood development. Deadline:  June 30, 2019  Fee:  None  Prize:  $1000  View Contest 7.  2019 Nelligan Prize for Short Fiction The Nelligan Prize for Short Fiction was established in 2004 in memory of Liza Nelligan, a writer, editor, and friend of many in Colorado State University’s English Department, where she received her master’s degree in literature in 1992. By giving an award to the author of an outstanding short story each year, we hope to honor Nelligan’s life, her passion for writing, and her love of fiction. The Nelligan Prize is offered annually. The winner receives a $2,000 honorarium and the story is published in the fall/winter issue of  Colorado Review. Deadline:  March 14, 2019  Fee:  $15  Prize:  $2,000 View Contest 8.  SFC Literary Prize The biennial $50,000 Literary Prize is sponsored by St. Francis College to offer its support and encouragement to the literary community and mid-career authors who have recently published their 3rd to 5th work of fiction.   Self-published books and English translations are considered. The next Prize will be for work published between June 2017 and May 2019. Deadline:  May 15, 2019  Fee:  None  Prize: $15,000 View Contest 9.  The Restless Books Prize For New Immigrant  Writing The ethos of the modern world is defined by immigrants. Their stories have always been an essential component of our cultural consciousness, from Isaac Bashevis Singer to Isabel Allende, from Milan Kundera to Maxine Hong Kingston. In novels, short stories, memoirs, and works of journalism, immigrants have shown us what resilience and dedication we’re capable of, and have expanded our sense of what it means to be global citizens. In these times of intense xenophobia, it is more important than ever that these boundary-crossing stories reach the broadest possible audience. With that in mind, we are proud to present The Restless Books Prize for New Immigrant Writing. We are looking for extraordinary unpublished submissions from emerging writers of sharp, culture-straddling writing that addresses identity in a global age. Each year, a distinguished panel of judges will select a winning manuscript to be published by Restless Books. We can’t wait to read and share what the new voices of the world have to say. Deadline:  March  31, 2019  Fee:  None  Prize:  $10,000  View Contest 10.  Sarton Women's Book Awards The Sarton Women’s Book Awards are given annually to women authors writing chiefly about women in memoir, nonfiction, contemporary fiction, historical fiction, and young adult. The awards are limited to submissions originally written in English and published by small/independent publishers, university presses, and author-publishers (self-publishing authors).  The award program is named in honor of May Sarton, who is remembered for her outstanding contributions to women's literature as a memoirist, novelist, and poet. Deadline:  July 1, 2019 (Early Bird Entry)  Fee:  $90 (Early Bird Fee)  Ã‚  Prize:  $100 + commemorative medallion and advertising considerations  View Contest 11.  6th Ó Bhà ©al Five Words International Poetry Competition The O Bheal Five Words Poetry Competition is one of the more unique competitions on this list. Instead of opening yearly or even quarterly, this contest is held weekly. Every Tuesday around noon (UTC), from the 16th of April 2019 until the 28th of January 2020, five words are posted on the competitions page. Entrants have one week to compose and submit one or more poems which include all five words given for that week. One winner is selected from all the weekly winners. Deadline:  Weekly, through January 28, 2020  Fee:  Ã¢â€š ¬5  Prize:  Ã¢â€š ¬500  View Contest 12.  L. Ron Hubbard’s Writers of the Future Contest Ron Hubbard’s Writers of the Future Contest is an opportunity for new writers of science fiction and fantasy to have their work judged by some of the masters in the field and discovered by a wide audience. Deadline:  March 31, 2019  Fee: None  Prize: Up to $5,000 View Contest 13. Writer's Digest Annual Writing Competition Writer’s Digest has been shining a spotlight on up and coming writers in all genres through its Annual Writing Competition for more than 80 years. Enter our 88th Annual Writing Competition for your chance to win and have your work be seen by editors and agents! Almost 500 winners will be chosen. The top winning entries of this writing contest will also be on display in the 88th Annual  Writer’s Digest Competition Collection. Deadline:  May 6, 2019  Fee:  $25  Prize:  $5,000 View Contest 14.  Drue Heinz Literature Award The Drue Heinz Literature Prize recognizes and supports writers of short fiction and makes their work available to readers around the world. The award is open to authors who have published a book-length collection of fiction or at least three short stories or novellas in commercial magazines or literary journals. Manuscripts are judged anonymously by nationally known writers. Past judges have included Robert Penn Warren, Joyce Carol Oates, Raymond Carver, Margaret Atwood, Russell Banks, Rick Moody, and Joan Didion. Winners receive a cash prize of $15,000, publication by the University of Pittsburgh Press, and support in the nation-wide promotion of their book. Deadline:  June 30, 2019  Fee:None  Prize:$15,000  View Contest 15.  Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize Established in 1981, the Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize is administered by theUniversity of Pittsburgh Press. Named in honor of Agnes Lynch Starrett, the Press’sfirst director, the prize is awarded for a first full-length book of poems. The prize carries a cash award of $5,000 and publication by the University ofPittsburgh Press as part of the Pitt Poetry Series. The series  is edited by Ed Ochester, who also serves as final judge in the Starrett competition. Deadline:  April 30, 2019  Fee: $25  Prize:  $5,000  View Contest 16.  Miami Book Fair/ De Groot Prize The Miami Book Fair, the nation’s finest and largest literary gathering, presented by Miami Dade College, has partnered with The de Groot Foundation to launch the Miami Book Fair/De Groot Prize to be awarded to an author for an unpublished novella. Deadline:  April 30, 2019  Fee:None  Prize:  $6,000 and publication by Melville House   View Contest 17.  Write The World Founded in 2012 by David Weinstein, Write The World is a program dedicated to the development of high school aged writers. They’ve created a global community and a guided interactive process that’s subscribed to by thousands of youth writers and educators. Image via: Write the World Their current competition is a food writing competition. Writers aged 13-18 may submit a 600 - 1,000 word essay about food. Along with cash prizes of up to $100, youth writers will receive recognition from the global Write The World community. Deadline:  Monthly  Fee:  None  Prize:  Up to $100  View Contest 18.  ServiceScape Short Story Award 2019 Calling all short story writers: Are you a short story writer interested in gaining more exposure and a bigger audience for your creative work? Would an extra  $1,000.00 USD  in your pocket be a great thing right now? If so,  the ServiceScape Short Story Award is the perfect way to achieve both. For this award, any genre or theme of short story is accepted. All applicants should submit their original unpublished work of short fiction or nonfiction, 5,000 words or fewer, to be considered. Along with receiving an award for  $1,000.00 USD, the winner will have his or her short story featured within our blog, which reaches thousands of readers per month. Rules and exclusions apply.    Deadline:  November 30, 2019  Fee:  None  Prize:  $1,000  View Contest 19.  Narrative Prize 2019 THE $4,000 NARRATIVE PRIZE  is awarded annually for the best short story, novel excerpt, poem, one-act play, graphic story, or work of literary nonfiction published by a new or emerging writer in  Narrative. The winner is announced each September, and the prize is awarded in October. The award, citing the winner’s name and the title and genre of the winning piece, is widely publicized, and each winner is cited in an ongoing listing in  Narrative. The prize will be given to the best work published each year in  Narrative  by a new or emerging writer, as judged by the magazine’s editors. In some years, the prize may be divided between winners, when more than one work merits the award. Deadline:  June 15, 2019  Fee:None  Prize:  $4,000  View Contest 20.  Architecture of Power: Short Story Contest Welcome to 2019; polarizing political views are an ever-present reality and it doesn't seem to be improving. Whether you live in the US or on the other side of the globe our environments are actors in the theater of influence. What happens when design becomes part of the equation?Write a short story that puts into narrative how architecture and the built-environment affect the lives of the people in power and those on the fringes of society. Deadline:  February 28th, 2019  Ã‚  Fee:  $25  Prize:  $500 + Bonus  View Contest - There are many good reasons to enter writing contests. First and foremost, there is the possibility of winning a cash prize. Secondly, having your name attached to a popular literary magazine or writing organization can help get your work seen. With that said, before taking the plunge, be sure to read the contest guidelines thoroughly. Some writing contests have regional, age, gender, ethnicity, and word count restrictions. If you’ve found what you’re looking for, don’t delay, get writing! Writing competitions are one of the best ways for writers to get their work in front of a broad audience.    Carlton Clark loves to write about business, baseball, and popular culture. A writer, marketer, and entrepreneur. At the age of 14, he founded the media company  ballplayerplus.com. Currently, Carlton helps businesses share their stories through social media and blogging. When he’s not writing or creating content, Carlton coaches youth baseball at his local high school and plays guitar. You can find him online on Instagram @itscarltonclark, and on Twitter @carlton_mukasa

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Study on the Framing Effect of People When Decisions Are Made Through Foreign Language and Native Language

A Study on the Framing Effect of People When Decisions Are Made Through Foreign Language and Native Language A study was carried out to test the framing effect of people after a foreign language and a native language are used to make decisions. A number of participants who spoke specific common native and secondary language were used in the study to determine the effect indicating that this was an experiment that sought to determine how native language and a second language affect decision making. Dependent variables in an experiment refer to the variables that can never be operational in the absence of the others while independent variables refer to the variables that are operational in the absence of the others. Independent variables in this experiment were the language used since one could have made a decision using any language while the dependent variables were the experimental outcomes since any outcome depended on the language used. Random samples of different groups of participants who spoke common native and common foreign languages were selected and their fluency in these languages evaluated. Those that never met the standards required were eliminated from the selected participants to encourage uniformity. Different groups were then presented with two cases in which they were supposed to make a decision favoring one of the cases using both the native and foreign language. And the results were collected basing on the extent to which a decision was made in native language and the extent to which it was made in a foreign language It was discovered that bias in decision making can be eliminated when using an alien dialect. The four experiments conducted indicated that the framing effect tends to disappear when a foreign language is used in making a decision after being presented with choices. It was also discovered that people tend to be risk aversive when advantages are considered and and tend to be risk seeking when there exists cases of losses and when there is a presentation of choices in the native language and the framing manipulation had no effect on them (Shiv, et al, 2005). Additional experiments indicated that evading losses undergoes reductionwhere alien dialect is in usewhen making decisions thus the chances of accepting both hypothetical and real bets are high Critique The experiment is not 100% reliable and valid to the extent that very few random samples were taken to represent the whole population in the globe. There are those people who have almost equal command of native and foreign language and using both languages, they can make similar decisions. Such people were never included in the experiment. The experiment was also conducted in a few parts of the globe thus ignoring most of the other parts when coming up with the conclusion. This means that the findings were never correctly interpreted. Further interpretation and research can be made when almost all parts of the globe are covered to minimize generalization. Ethical safeguards were never fully employed since the beliefs of the people were never fully considered especially when dealing with the cases of making choices regarding bets since there are a number of people who do not believe in such issues thus their decisions get jeopardized. A follow-up study can be used to study the exten t of emotions presented when using a native language and a foreign language. According to CaldwellAycicegi (2009),it can be noted that people are more emotionally attached to their native language thus displaying a higher degree of emotions than when alien dialect is used. However, the results presented were strong since the command and decision making as well as emotions are stronger when using the native language than a foreign language. Therefore, the distance in the attachment of the cognitive self with a foreign language results to the presented findings. Such issues tend to be additional implications of using foreign language over the native language. The problem with the research is that only a small group was used in the study to represent the whole globe where people from all walks of life were never involved in order to come up with the correct decision. The method is better in presenting decisions that are reached when making decisions using a foreign language and native language. It can be noted that a more desired decision that is free of bias can be reached at when alien dialect is used. Brief summary Bias when making decisons can be reduced when a foreign dialect is employed and â€Å"framing effect† tends to disappear in cases where decisions the presentation of decisions is made in an alien dialect (Benjamin, Brown, Shapiro, 2006.avding of losses tends to take place when alien dialect is employed due to the huge cognitive and emotional distance caused by a foreign language. This experiment could have been more desirable if a large part of the global population was used in the experiment instead of using a very small sample to make the decision pertaining to the whole globe. The experiment can be used in making decisions where more desirable decisions that are free of bias are made. Trauma-Informed School Social Work Everyone in a school setting is subject to various forms of pressure, scarce resources and demand. Young people and adults both attend school each with an independent history of trauma that is hard to identify. Therefore, a trauma-informed approach is critical when employed in dealing with students in a school setting. This is because if left unattended, it affects the students’ behavioural, social and academic performance. Various other technical means might not work in cases where trauma is involved leading to traumatization of the student. A study conducted within a period of the year yielded results indicating that 60% of children are subject to violence or abuse (Finkelhor et al, 2009). An assumption that at least every student in a school setting has ever experienced a traumatizing event can be made. Trauma originates from an event that threatens a person’s safety thus making him fear, experience horror or even feel hopeless). Trauma can be as a result of domestic violence, sexual or physical abuse, violence, emotional or physical neglect, betrayal, accidents, life-threatening illness among others (National Child, Traumatic Network, 2013). Traumatic incidences may affect the behaviour, social or even academic performance of a student (Steel and Malchiodi, 2012). Trauma-informed responses become a remedy of the misbehaviours and punishments that may affect the involved student (Blaustein and Kinniburgh, 2010) Adults may be faced with unruly behaviours that originate from the traumatized students. At such a time the efforts of the adults to bring to an end the funny behaviour may not bear fruits which leads to frustration and anger among the involved parties. The trauma-informed approach is critical in opening up new possibilities for change where disciplinary methods are employed in such a way that while teaching the child how to regulate his emotions, safety and empathy are employed. These can be done at the same time since firm discipline and empathy are not mutually exclusive. The administrators, workers as well as teachers areon how to identify and retort to trauma cases. Trauma-informed school is concerned about the recovery and resilience of traumatized students through the implementation of organizational practices, policies and culture that help in the reflection of trauma skills and awareness and thus ensuring student’s security comes first (Ryan, Testa and Zai 2008) The school social workers should, therefore, be involved in teaching the students, school staff and the society in general about what trauma is and how it tends to affect the individuals. They should also be involved in the process of creating a collaborative network that links the parents, school personnel, teachers and the community in general which helps in the creation and monitoring of school policies that ensure the safety of the students from traumatizing experiences. The school social workers are the catalysts for ensuring that a trauma-informed school culture is created to ensure the safety of everyone in the school. This can only be done by mediating the parents, the school staff and the teachers to come up with the best ways to deal with the student’s behaviour and fostering academic achievements in a trauma-informed manner. They should also educate the teachers on how to deal with the students without getting angry or using harsh language. School social workers and the staff should always focus on the child’s cognition as well as the sensory processes that require sensory intervention. Social workers should also be involved in sharing with the students a curriculum that helps in teaching the students how to identify their bodily sensations and emotions helping the students to identify the difference between the past and the present occurrences which allows them to handle each situation differently. Social workers should also b e involved in engaging parents and teachers who might as well be traumatized and helping them deal with such situations and educating them on how to handle students as well as their children. Employing a trauma-informed approach in a school is the best thing that one can do since it takes care of the traumatized students and adults in general. It is necessary for school social workers to intervene and ensure that the approach has been employed and that the students, teachers and the parents have been educated on how to handle traumatizing events which foster behavioural academic and social improvements. Marginalization of School’s Social Workers When the practice of social working began, the social workers acted as the mediators for the students who seemed to be at risk thus acting as a linkage between the homes and the schools (Allen, Washington and Welsh, 1996). Various reforms were seen in the education sector due to the widespread changes that took place in the globe due to industrialization include the compulsory law of school attendance(Phillippo and Blosser, 2013). Therefore, the social workers have for a long time been considered the best means through which student’s problems can be solved. The responsibility of the social workers in schools has been assumed where they have not been involved in making the major decisions in schools. Perpetuated by the consequential practices and shift in the philosophical framework that shapes the responsibilities of the workers, it is evident that marginalization of the of the school’s social workers has taken place for a long time. With the shift in the responsibilities of the social workers, their work has currently been seen as handling mental illnesses in schools rather than addressing the attendance of the students in schools and their changes in behaviors as well as informing their families on the educational requirements and as well as the available community resources (Phillippo and Blosser, 2013). Phillippo and Blosser, (2013) states that the reforms made in the education system in the 1970s which promoted learning among the students with cognitive learning issues as well as physical challenges and advocated for the n ecessity of social workers to schools saw them being the reasonable people who can be charged with the responsibility of taking care of this kind of students. However as they provided the necessary services to the mentally and physically challenged students, their contribution and incidence in the general education system gradually faded D’ Agostino, (2013) concurs with Philippo and Blosser by stating that marginalization has also been exacerbated by the financial constraints for special education where the available capital determines and describes the job done by the social workers and their day to day activities within the school thus limiting their involvement and responsibilities in school affairs. As a result, social workers contribution in the general education has been dismissed since they are only known to deal with the disabled students in the society which is known to be their traditional role thus underestimating their value in the school and the society in general. The occupational profile of social workers is created by â€Å"National Association of Social Workers† (NASW, 2010). It defines the responsibility of the social workers within a school such as conducting home visits, developing plans for treatment, student’s advocacy as well as completion of family and students assessment among other similar roles. There lacks the role of curriculum development and development of leadership activities in the school thus the profession seems to devalue the workers in some way. It is, therefore, necessary for the school administrators and the social workers to come together and redefine the roles and responsibility and contribution to schools and students success (Bye et al, 2009). This would help in eliminating the rift that exists between the social workers and the school guidance and counselling workers in all departments especially in leadership (Altshuler and Webb, 2009) which creates a necessity for their collaboration with the sc hool’s leadership. The social workers must also be versed with self-advocacy which allows to speak to the world and explain the essence of their practices in schools. Social workers have largely contributed to the achievement of the scholars in a school. However unrecognized, their work is unimaginably explicit. There should be a change in the system that defines the roles of the social workers in a school in order to endorse them with the responsibilities that they are supposed to carry out in a school. Apart from their contribution in helping the mentally and psychologically challenged students, they should be allowed to interact with the other students and be involved in school matters to transform the lives of the students and the operations of the school for the better.