Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Lungs Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Lungs - Research Paper Example The lungs are composed of a substance which is light, porous, have a spongy texture and are highly elastic. The surface has many polyhedral areas. The lungs are heavier in a male than in a female; the left lung is smaller than the right one in order to accommodate the heart. The lungs can be examined in terms of an apex, a base, three borders (anterior and inferior) and two surfaces (Costal and mediastinal). Each lung is conical in shape and is divided into lobes by interlobular fissures. The left lung is divided into the left superior or upper lobe and the left inferior or lower lobe. The right lung is divided into the right superior lobe, the right middle lobe and the right inferior lobe. Each lobe is further divided into pyramidal bronchopulmonary segments: ten in the right and eight in the left one. The root of each lung or the hilum connects the lung to the heart and the trachea. According to Gray (1918), â€Å"the bronchus, the pulmonary artery, the pulmonary veins, the bronch ial arteries and veins, the pulmonary plexuses of nerves, lymphatic vessels, bronchial lymph glands, and areolar tissue enter and leave the lungs through the root†. The trachea, or windpipe, reaches the thorax and is divided into the right and left bronchi. In the lungs the bronchi divide into large ventral and small dorsal branches. The bronchi are divided into smaller bronchi and bronchioles. Each bronchiole further splits into two or more respiratory bronchioles connected to alveolar ducts which, in turn, are connected to a cluster of small alveoli or air sacs. The pulmonary artery, the pulmonary veins, and the pulmonary capillaries supply deoxygenated blood to the lungs and remove oxygenated blood. The bronchial arteries and the bronchial vein supply oxygenated blood for the nutrition of the lung itself. All these arteries and veins enter and leave the lung through the hilum, as do the lymphatic vessels of the lungs. Pulmonary nodes, bronchopulmonary nodes and tracheobronc heal nodes are present. The lungs are supplied with nerves from the anterior and posterior pulmonary plexuses which have small ganglia on them. (Gray, 1918). The function of the lungs is to provide a continuous gas exchange between the inhaled air and the blood in pulmonary circulation. Oxygen is supplied and carbon dioxide is eliminated by exhalation. The exchange of gases takes place through simple diffusion: oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the blood and CO2 diffuses from the blood into the alveoli. This diffusion requires a concentration, or pressure, gradient. The concentration of oxygen in the alveoli is kept higher than in the blood and the concentration of CO2 in the alveoli is kept lower than in the blood by the breathing of fresh air into the lungs. This breathing mechanism is generated by the respiratory muscles: the exterior intercostals located between the ribs, and the diaphragm which is a sheet separating the thorax from the abdomen. During inspiration the interc ostals and the diaphragm contract, the dimension of the thoracic cavity increases, air pressure in the lungs decreases and becomes slightly negative as compared to atmospheric pressure. This causes the air to move from the atmosphere into the lungs. During exhalation the muscles relax, lung volume decreases, pressure in the lungs increases and air is exhaled. The surface tension on the walls of the alveoli caused by water molecules is reduced by the pulmonary surfactant produced by the lungs. The exchange

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Downloading Music For Free From Internet Lab Report

Downloading Music For Free From Internet - Lab Report Example Numerous questions continue to be asked as to whether it is right or wrong to download free music from the internet (Gilbertson and Lehman, 2008). This continues to be a hot debate that continues to define and characterize how the larger society and individuals manifest their ability to make ethical decisions. In the center of this debate is that, some people are convinced that downloading free music from the internet is right and they cite numerous reasons to justify their position. However, another group has come out to contradict this position, claiming that the whole process of downloading free music from the internet is both unethical and illegal, while at the same time, it largely demoralizes the creator and songwriters, thereby negatively impacting the music industry (Gilbertson and Lehman, 2008). Nevertheless, the whole process can be viewed within the perspectives of ethical school of thoughts such as Kantianism, Utilitarism, and Social Contract. In general, the whole proces s of downloading free music from the internet should be perceived as wrong due to its negative consequences to the music industry where it has potential to result into the writer stopping to write music or even the musicians being unable to make more music. Kantian ethics Kantian ethics are heavily associated with Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) who, apart from establishing deontological ethics, is also associated with immense work in metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and even aesthetics (McCormick 2005). Quinn (2006, p. 429) looks at Kant’s theory of ethics and concludes that it intends to allow people to view and treat other people as the â€Å"ends in themselves, rather than simply as a means to an end.† Kant’s ethical theory has become influential in explaining the moral and ethical world. Numerous works by Kant are established in the ‘The Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals’ where Kant work dwelt on â€Å"search for and establishment of the su preme principle of morality† (McCormick 2005, p.1). Another wok in the book titled ‘In the Critique of Practical Reason’ also explores the issue of moral and ethics in society (McCormick 2005). The first aspect in Kant’s ethics is the good will, which according to Kant, constitutes acting according to a conception law. Kant observes that, â€Å"when we act, whether or not we achieve what we intend with our actions is often beyond our control, so the morality of our actions does not depend upon their outcome and what we can only control is the will behind the action, that is, we can act according to one law rather than another† (McCormick 2005, p.1). The observation and expression of Kant is that an action can be regarded to be moral or not when assessed within the precepts of motivation behind it (McCormick 2005). According to Kant’s understanding, there only exists one thing that is good and has no qualification, and that is goodwill or motiv e. To Kant, motive constitutes the most important element in determining what is ethical and an action can only pass to be moral when carried out as a result of ‘sense of duty’ (Vlach, 2004). Moral action in this sense is one that is neither based on feelings or pity nor based on the possibility of reward but largely one that is based and is motivated by â€Å"this is what I ought to do† (Vlach 2004, p.1). The assumption Kant make postulates that an act can results into negative consequences even when it is acted on moral grounds. Kant’s ethical moral expression can be viewed to promote idea that people need to do what is right guided by conviction that doing it is actually the right thing. On the other hand, people need to avoid doing the wrong things since it is wrong continuing to act on such things. Kant’

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Effective Methods of Event Management

Effective Methods of Event Management INTRODUCTION Event management is the request of project management to the conception and development of festival, an event and meeting. Event organization involves studying the workings of brand, identifying the aim audience, and coordinating the technological aspects before really the target modalities of the planned event. Events and festivals such as valentines even, have a crash in some communities. Its a career which requires investment and creativity. Today many shows are there are one on TV is prepared by event managing. The clients come to the event management with an unclear idea in mind it is totally up to the event manager to work on the idea and turn it into a truth. Event could be whatever thing from concerts, product launches, wedding, or parties. Additional, enters this pasture has to first join as a learner. Event management is practice configured based on clients requirements. Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD is best event for start an event organization company. Furthermore, we make available, in addition to the ability to activate in Malaysia plus in many other countries. Our team has at all times been lead with a passion for staying at the forefront of the skill that we create that only engage the audience but endure long after the curtain have come down. Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD provides closing stages-to end services for meetings, convention as well as conferences also. MAIN BODY Question 1 Assuming that you want to establish an event management company. Identify the form of organization structure that you would apply for your new company and justify your answers PYRAMID EVENT (M) SDN BHD Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD willpower establishes soon in Penang, April 2011. We try a non stop events management company that supply the best perform of project management to the conception and development of creative and out of the box events. Furthermore, as an event management business we scope encompass all creative and technical of the event depending on the clients needs knowledge and budget. Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD will be leading company in Penang by, providing quality, unique and cost-effective events to public. Than we steady introduction of new trends, to integrated events solutions. As a Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD company that supplies the most excellent practice of project management to the formation plus development of creative and out of the box events. As going to establish an event Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD scope encompasses all original and technical of the event depending on the clients wants expertise and budget. Furthermore, our mission is to be a centre of event management quality where creativity and class is the epitome and heartbeat of the organization and vision is not only showing in what we have done but also in what will distribute to satisfy our customer. Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD is committed to achieve success for clients by applying the full power of communication as an extension of business oddly and execution. Although, for purpose day be worrying enough without having to be anxious whether the cateress are going to turn up on time. As an event management we have time and links to make sure the events run gratefully in future. (REFER FIGURE: 1) PYRAMID EVENT (M) SDN BHD ORGANIZATION CHART Merchandising Official Promotion Equipment Venue Program Hospitality Director An individual or obsession with the purpose of directs one of grouping of people who direct the dealings of a trade or else a person who is in accuse of the manufacture event. As a director of Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD has most important job for the harmonization, expansion, planning, completing as well as also grasp up category of events. Event captivating position at an exact location otherwise may obtain place on-line or might be a mixture of in cooperation. For example, as a director of Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD, has tactical for identify along with rising events to support and expand in present area represent by member and in original market too. Such as, winning release on the objectives of this position has a director crash on the act plus aptitude to bring on supplementary planned and prepared goals. Furthermore, be supposed to be expecting to increase skill in management and agenda organization as well as exact managerial aspect and completion of an event. Merchandising Merchandising as frequently old in advertising plus means the endorsement of products sale, as through coordinate making and advertising and rising advertising, display, along with sales strategy to add to retail sales. The preparation caught up in advertising the correct goods or services on the right put, at the point in time, in the right quantity. Promotional sale actions of an advertisers sales strength, retailer otherwise dealer as well as marketing toward demonstrate a manufactured goods or services in a positive glow as a result so as to it will be purchase by the commerce community and the intense community. As soon, we will establish Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD we contain expert in this part. As event management company we determination use a plenty of equipment such as, computer, radio, electricity to do our event management. Program Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD will be a good way for customer to interact plus well known their wants. A listing of the order of events and other pertinent information for a public presentation. Programmer usually a set of plans to develop or improve something. Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD welcoming public to our event. As an event management company we do many types of programs. For example, we do wedding dinner, canopy services, birthday function, school and public function and extra. To do this programmed event management use different types of skills. Hospitality Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD contains skilled in our employees to show and make sure every one the customers, VIPs, and representative go residence by way of a cheery face. This is extremely important for our Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD status. This it self will decide on how the client willpower hold up us. So far we have probable about 500customers to the event management, so we are prepare beverages and delicacy on behalf of our customer. Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD has known the tender to Ananda Bhavan catering services to obtain care of that. They are to supply us with 2types of drinks along with 4types of food and 1type of fruits. Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD be charitable gone free balloons along with ice creams to small childrens. Venue Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD having this event in spot at centre of City. We prefer this site because of its planned location in the city. Furthermore, we polished our time at 9am until 10pm. Its to make sure that our client has the occasion to create it following they come to an end their work. As well as we are doing it on Saturday and Sunday grounds the majority of the family would similar to go out on this day for does their purchasing. So those, Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD provide them an option of place to visit. And we be capable of be sure that they determination include a good day at what time they visit our event in soon. Equipment As an event management company we use many types of equipment for our events. Such as, video organization, chair, table, DVD player, to do our event. These equipments we will use for do our Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD. Promotion Promotion is the best part of business. Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD used 3D signage for attract customers. We will do promotion twice a year to inform the customers about our products. Furthermore, we supply and create of live entertainment demonstrate and interactive action intended for invite customers. We have advertised our Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD Company in Star Sun Metro, Nanban, and Berita Harian newspapers. Other than, our staff distributes flyers to public who pass by the road. Official We will invite VIP Datuk Subramani for launch the Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD Company. And most of the official comes for this event, so we must make sure that everything is done smoothly by arranging perfect sitting place for them and guide them with our staff. CONCLUSION We consider in provided that superiority and resourceful services as soon as it comes to our customers. In arrange to maintain up by way of a more and more competitive market, we supply an extensive variety of services to our convince. As affirmation of our determination to become the premier marketing and event specialist. As a Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD we like to improve our event management company to international trade. Furthermore, an event companies we consider that a long-term feeling is what public keep in mind the most in addition to the best ever. Therefore, Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD does our greatest to distribute an impressive occasion that determination leave our visitors with unforgettable moment and our consumers with winning measures in future. INTRODUCTION Sea Food Restaurant was formed on 14 April 2010. Owner of Sea Food Restaurant is Mr.Lim. For now, Sea Food Restaurant Operate in Parit Buntar, Perak area only. Since one year Sea Food Restaurant provide good foods to customers. In this restaurant got seven employees include server, cleaner, and also cook. Their all so help full to Mr.Lim for run his business successfully. Mr.Lim runs his Sea Food Restaurant in local area only. In future he plans to run his business to international trade. For his business Mr.Lim used some equipment to run his business successfully. For example, table, chair, fan, and air coned, freeze and some more. The purposes of Mr.Lim choose Sea Food Restaurant is foods very important to all human being. So that, Mr.Lim proud be to establish foods to customers. Mr.Lim runs this Sea Food Restaurant business with his wife. Mr.Lim gives salary to the employees based on their working skill. For example, for cooks his salary and serves salary are totally different. Since one year Sea Food Restaurant successfully run in local. Mr.Lim faced alots of troubles to achieve a successful restaurant. Furthermore, working hour to employees is 10am-10pm in weekends. MAIN BODY Question 2 Interview a small local business proprietor in your area. Briefly identify the nature of the business and come up with a SWOT Analysis for the business. Attach the interview questionnaires with the report. WHAT IS SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats where this strategic planning uses for project or in a business venture. We be supposed to be well-known that when identify moreover classify related factors, the focus is not in a minute on interior matter, but also exterior mechanism. The mechanism could crash the winner of the plan. Green factor interior to the solid frequently can be confidential as strengths or weakness. Although external to the firm know how to be off the record while opportunities or threats. So that this all factors referred as SWOT analysis. Based on Strengths in SWOT analysis is individuality or attribute surrounded by the group that is measured to be central to the carrying out plus ultimate success of the project. Next is, Weakness. The nonappearance of convinced strengths possibly will be view as a weakness. An example is, each is considered as weakness is lack of patent protection. In some cases, a weakness may be the flip side of strength. The third arrangement of factor in the SWOT analysis is Opportunities. This categorization has to perform with outside elements with the purpose of will prove supportive for income and growth. In SWOT analysis classifies in last is Threats. Here, exterior factors to could intimidate the achievement of the project are listed and address change in the exterior ecological as well could there threats to the solid. This all method called as SWOT analysis. WHY USE SWOT ANALYSIS The complete end of responsibility a SWOT Analysis is to assist you recognize the majority valuable target and strategy to follow right now base on your present circumstances, plus to recognize strategies so as to will help you get ready for the prospect. In any business, analysis forces a purpose investigation of a companys location via its participant and the marketplace. SWOT Analysis is an extremely capable way of recognize your Strengths and Weaknesses plus of exploratory the Opportunities and Threats you face. Carrying out an analysis by the SWOT structure determination assist you to focus your behavior keen on areas where you are physically powerful, and where the greatest opportunities recline. Your activities into areas wherever you are burly, along with where the maximum plus of investigative the Opportunities and Threats you features. Based on these SWOT analysis had questionnaires a small local business proprietor Mr.Lim who is the owner of Sea Food Restaurant. ELEMENTS OF SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths Based on strengths I had five questionnaires. First is, Mr.Lim able to be innovating his Sea Food Restaurant by producing different types of foods to customers. For example, from sea food to nasi goreng, and kweteo basah. Stand out from competitors Mr.Lim well known as possible for how to run his restaurant outshine from the competitors. Mr.Lim said some restaurant do their business without knowing their basic knowledge of business but for Mr.Lim well known to how run his Sea Food Restaurant in local. Next, pool of skilled employees Sea Food Restaurant so far doesnt have any pool of skilled employees. For avoid this kind of things Mr.Lim keeping good employees determines business success. Fourth questionnaire I had is morale of the employees is quit high for Mr.Lim restaurant. This because, every person has different reasons for doing their job. Sea Food Restaurant has different reasons for doing their job. Sea Food Restaurant has strong brands to their restaurant and nowadays current concept of brand grew not in of the buyer packed goods with stronger. Weakness Based on questionnaires I had asked Mr.Lim said serves skills the employees. Sometimes, the employees will mistakenly write order of foods. So that, customers will complain about it. Next is the advertising reach to attract customers but for Mr.Lim Sea Food Restaurant so far no reach good advertising. Not only that, so far Mr.Lim able to attrack customers based on employees faith in management Mr.Lim said that it was employees during times will create a better working relationship with staff and improve productivity. For Sea Food Restaurant so far wants employees. Mr.Lim said so far his restaurant wants more employees to develop his restaurant. Opportunity Based on, advanced technology Sea Food Restaurant advanced with it. Mr.Lim restaurant got free WIFI connection for customers. This for attract more customers to his restaurant. Furthermore, Mr.Lim havent yet enter any new markets and he said as soon as possible will enter new market also. For that customer support he needs. Furthermore, Mr.Lim said for develop the business he faced financial problems. So that, Mr.Lim had gone to CIMB Bank, regarding to upgrade his Sea Food Restaurant business. By grow the business during recession, it takes long time get up and its a great way to interact with all his customers in open place. Otherwise, Mr.Lims favorable circumstance are that, view Sea Food Restaurant beside the seaside. Threats Based on threat Mr.Lim faced obstacles. In a particular day, his business will be very low cause of customers wills never turn up and also jealousy by another restaurant. Next, based on competition Mr.Lim will serve different kind of food based on the days. For example, Chinese mostly doing their wedding dinner in Sea Food Restaurant. So that time, Mr.Lim will provide different foods based on the reception. Mr.Lim sad if within 3lilometer have a star bucks coffee near the Sea Food Restaurant means is not cause Mr.Lims business. This because Mr.Lim restaurant is mainly about sea food and star bucks is only a coffee. So that, he dont so. Mr.Lim dont face any environmental effects because Mr.Lim restaurant in an open view. At last, Mr.Lim restaurant in a market demand. SEA FOOD RESTAURANT STRENGTHS The restaurant able to innovate? What makes your restaurant stand out from your competitors? Does your restaurant have a pool of skilled employees? Is the morale of the employees high? Does your restaurant strong brands? Weakness What do your customers complain about? Is the advertising effective? Is the restaurant able to attract talent? Do employees have faith in management? Do employees need for your restaurant? Opportunity Is your restaurant advanced in technology? Is our restaurant entering new market? Do you have gone to any banks regarding loans to upgrade the business? How do you grow the business? What favorable circumstance are you facing? Threats What obstacles do you faced? What is your competition doing? If within 5kilometer got star buck will reduce your restaurant? Do you face any environmental effects? Its that your restaurant in a market level? QUESTIONNAIRES 5.0 CONCLUSION SWOT Analysis managerial strategy are the income from side to side which companies complete their missions and goal. It is not basically sufficient to recognize the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a business. In apply the SWOT analysis it is essential to reduce or keep away from both weaknesses and threats. Weaknesses are supposed to be look at in organize to change them keen on strengths. Similarly, threats are supposed to be rehabilitated into opportunities. Lastly, strengths and opportunities ought to be coordinated to optimize the potential of a firm. Applying Successful strategies address four basics of the surroundings within which the business operate. The full point of responsibility a SWOT analysis is to help you classify the mainly useful targets and strategies to follow right now base on your recent situation and to make out strategies that determination help you organize for the future. SWOT help to run a business in a good way in prospect. Further more, SWOT identifying our Strengths plus Weakness of investigative the Opportunities as well as also Threats tat we face. Over the long term, we are supposed to contain goals from every of the four quadrants for equilibrium. In the little phrase, we possibly will want to focal point on one or two quadrants to obtain advantage of several situations that we presently in front of.

Friday, October 25, 2019

political ideology in the media Essay -- essays research papers

Throughout many generations and years gone bye the media and presentation of issues by news sources have influenced society’s opinions on moral and governmental issues. Dating back to the writing of the constitution the general public was influenced by what was said in the media presentation. The framers of the American Constitution banned newspaper reporters from hearing any information regarding the constitutional meetings due to the fact that our founding fathers did not want to be influenced by the way the news was reported. In today’s technological society this influential concept may be even more prevalent with the advancement of the internet and the easy accessible news. In order to be informed you no longer have to pay a bill to subscribe to your local newspaper, but you can simply click on a story on a website and read the same text that appears in local papers. Two sources which are both easily accessible and well respected are the New York Times and the Wash ington Times. Both newspapers report on both national and local news pertaining to all areas that deemed being covered. Upon evaluating the ideology, bias, reporting style, and ease of learning new information, I found these two well respected and well known newspapers to be vastly different.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Upon attempting to navigate around the two websites I found that locating stories and specific writings on the NY Times website was tougher than on the Washington Times website. The NY Times ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Miss Veers abides by the initial plan to provide are to the men suffering from syphilis and to prove that black and whites were the same biologically in regards to disease. As Miss Veers initially believes that the government would provide the best medical support available to her patients, she rallies up a majority of the African American men of Macon County. Miss Veers becomes profoundly attached to the patients, as they are to her. Although the government funded project intended to treat the men, the funds for the study ultimately dissipate.Dry. Broods, the chief doctor of Tuskegee, heads to Washington where he is confronted by Washington D. C. Officials with an offer of a new underlying principle for funding. The gentlemen explain to Dry. Broods that the study of the African American men is intended to mimic the study that was done in Oslo, Norway that focused on Caucasian males who were infected. On the contrary, the Tuskegee men would no longer be patients who would be treated, but as human subjects of research. They would also not be informed of the transformation of the study.In disbelief, Dry. Broods learns the truth about the government experiment, but is intrigued and hopeful that the project would bring future funding for proper reattempts in order for the African American Men of Tuskegee and to establish the fact that a disease would bring about the same affects on people regardless of race. In disbelief and feeling distraught that the men will not be treated, Miss Veers sticks to her pledge and commitment to treating the men and feels as if she must not abandon them as she will be there for comfort and support.Dry. Broads and Miss Veers hoped that funding for treatment would be restored after several months, but the years sweep by. The men were given placebos and liniments and Miss Veers intended her effort to partake in the lie that eventually results in a four-decade period of deteriorated health for African American men. This eventually leads t o the 1973 Senate hearing in which Miss Veers testifies into the Tuskegee study which viewers are introduced to in the beginning of the film.From there, viewers are taken to the scenes of the four decade Journey, which depict the many examples of ethical issues that took place in the Tuskegee study. The decisions and actions of Miss Veers proved to be courageous, but at the same time, many unethical factors and situations occurred during the study. In the Ethics Lecture written by Lisa Hankerer, the concepts of ethics and ethical dilemmas are explained. Within a workplace or professional group, a code of ethics must be abided by. â€Å"A professional Code of Ethics will include how one should conduct themselves in an ethical manner† (Hankerer 1).Different types of codes of ethics include â€Å"Relations with Public†, â€Å"Responsibility to the Profession† and â€Å"Responsibility in the Research and Evaluation† (Hankerer 1), all of which Miss Veers was i nvolved with. Miss Veers took a pledge to care for, protect, and provide emotional support towards the infected men which is her code of conduct as a health professional. Time progressed and as the men continued to be untreated, symptoms began to develop and health starts to deteriorate. A dancer of the group named Willie, develops problems within his skeletal system as his bones deteriorate.Ben, another man of the group, begins to show signs of mental dysfunction as the syphilis infection spreads to his brain. Penicillin became available in the sass, but the infected men were not given any. Eventually, several of the untreated men die. Although Miss Veers had an initial ledge to care for and treat the men, she ultimately deceived them into thinking they would soon get better and continued to give them placebos and pseudo treatment such as spinal taps which she called â€Å"back shots† (Miss Veers' Boys).Miss Veers only did what she thought was right and fulfilled her duty of following the doctor's orders, but her conduct was unethical. She went out of the boundaries of the proper code of conduct as a genuine health care provider. Dry. Broads also had his fare share of unethical actions as he never informed the patients of the procedures and tests done upon them. Not once did Dry. Broods get informed consent from the men to obtain physical tests from them. Miss Veers' continued to tell the men â€Å"Listen to the doctors, because they know' (Miss Veers Boys). She did an accurate Job of instilling trust the infected men.Although Dry. Broods' sole purpose was to treat the infected men with syphilis and receive funding for proper treatment; purpose was never fulfilled resulting in a 4 decade failed research project drastically affecting and killing the innocent men in Macon county. In the Ethics Lecture by Lisa Hankerer, she states hat â€Å"the study (of the Tuskegee men) has moved from a singular historical event to a powerful metaphor that symbolizes racism in medicine, misconduct in human research, the arrogance of physicians, and government abuse of black people† (1).This touches on the â€Å"Barriers to Ethical Problems† in which Hankerer identifies in the Ethics Lecture. The economics from the sass to sass was complex, and African Americans certainly dealt with many economic barriers in that era because of their race. Resources for treatment were diminished for the men of Tuskegee as funding as never aided to the project acting as a barrier to receive legitimate treatment to cure the infection of syphilis.The concept of â€Å"Institutional racism† (Hankerer) contributes to the fact that the infected African American men were untreated for a long period of time and were never permitted by the U. S. Government to receive penicillin as treatment. Another factor contributing to the institutional racism portrayed in Miss Veers Boys was the common misconception that the African American men of Macon County, Ala bama would react differently to disease than Caucasian men.Miss Veers' Boys portrayed mordant events of health science in America from the sass to sass that led to legal action towards racism and abuse of humans as research subjects. The decisions Miss Veers faced had many pros and cons in regards to the infected men of the Tuskegee Institution with how they felt, what they went through, and the effects on their health. Throughout the movie, as a viewer, I consistently hoped that Miss Veers would defy the conventions of the doctors and obtain a cure for syphilis to treat the men lawfully. References Hankerer, Lisa. â€Å"Ethics Lecture†.Human Development Course. (2014) Miss Veers' BOYS. 1997 TV Movie Youth. Com: http://www. Youth. Com/watch? V=muddy OB8233BA1947FA forty year study and her reasons as to why she continued with it for as long as she did. The movie leaves the viewers to reflect on the ethical and the immoral issues of the Tuskegee Experiment. In conclusion, Miss Veers may have been one of the main focuses of evaluating the Tuskegee study in the 1972 Senate hearing, but it is the intentions of the U. S senators and government that should also be looked at for moral evaluation.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

1920’s USA Sources Coursework Essay

(1.) In source A, we see a cartoon of ‘Uncle Sam’, the symbol of America, looking at a picture of life in the USA from years before. I think that the cartoonist is trying to show how American life in the 1920s (when the cartoon was drawn) is so much different to American life in earlier years which is shown in the picture on the wall. We can see that many characters that represent different aspects of 1920’s life in the USA surround ‘Uncle Sam’. For example, there are three women with the words ‘Scandal’, ‘Materialism’ or ‘Divorce’ written on their dresses, and the words ‘Easy money’ in the smoke of Sam’s cigar. The word scandal refers to the presidency of Warren G. Harding, when many instances of corruption occurred. For example, Harding’s close friend, Charles Forbes, was thought to be responsible for the suspicious disappearance of $200 million from the Veteran’s Bureau account, of which he was the director. During Harding’s term in office, this case of blatant fraud (and others) was unknown to the general public. However, by the time Source A was drawn in 1925, Calvin Coolidge had become president and these scandals were uncovered to the public. The word materialism refers to people’s changing attitude towards their own wealth, mainly due to the economic boom. After the First World War, the USA had gained status as the richest nation in the world. This was because it had not suffered physically or financially from the war, unlike its European counterparts. In fact, America was receiving vast amounts of money through re-payments from countries they had given loans to during the conflict. Also, America’s politics helped to shape the way that people earned and spent their money. With the Republicans in power, the nation learnt to exercise the policy of ‘laissez-faire’, which literally translated means ‘let it be’. In other words, people were able to build up their own businesses freely, safe in the knowledge that the government would not interfere too much or put up high taxes. In actual fact, taxes were decreased to encourage Americans to spend their wages on luxury goods, such as refrigerators or cars. High tariffs on exported goods from overseas meant people were more likely to buy products made in America, thus boosting the country’s industries. People began to care more and more about their own wealth, and found that they had more money at their fingertips. This ties in with the words easy money, which refers to the Stock market. With more money in their pockets, Americans were always on the look out for ways in which they could invest it and even increase it. The Stock Exchange and property market provided the perfect outlet for this. Not only did professional stockbrokers play the market, but also the normal working public, who found they could make ‘easy money’, as it says in the cartoon, by simply buying stocks. However, the people who did this were not loyal to the company they bought them from, as they usually sold them as soon as the prise had risen. Another big change that occurred in this time was the role of women in society. The fact that the women in the cartoon are flappers, shows how by 1925, women were beginning to become independent and outspoken. They smoked, swore in public, and even rode motorcycles. The woman with the word divorce on her dress emphasises this point as well. In the 1920s, the divorce rate rose as women began to live their own lives without depending on men for support. So, what was the cartoonist’s message? Personally I think that he/she was trying to show how much the USA had changed from the times when â€Å"pioneers lived simple lives in log cabins†. The fact that ‘Uncle Sam’ is gazing at the picture and saying, â€Å"Ah, those were the days† is showing that, in effect, America yearns for the way that life used to be before everything became so materialistic and money-orientated, even though he himself is sitting in the ‘seat of luxury’. (2.) In source B, we see a photograph of two Negroes hanged from a tree whilst being surrounded and watched by a crowd of white people. Source C is an extract from a newspaper, which describes in detail the lynching of another Negro in a separate incident. These two sources are similar in some ways and different in others. There are a number of ways that we can see this. Firstly, both sources show a similar reaction from the crowd to the actual lynching. B shows the crowd looking up at the bodies enthusiastically, and even one man pointing to them as if to show to the camera something he is proud of. There does not appear to be anyone looking distressed or upset by the incident, with most ‘spectators’ looking joyous and pleased. Both sources show the crowd to be diverse (obviously within the same ethnic group), with people of all ages and both sexes. Source C also describes the crowd’s reaction as being happy at the Negro’s fate. In fact, the crowd seemed to be even more enthusiastic in the second source than in the first one, â€Å"†¦. joined hands and danced around while the Negro was burned†. But ultimately, both sources show the different crowds to be in approval of the lynchings. However, one difference between the two sources is who actually committed the lynching in each case. In B, we can only see what appears to be normal, white cillivians in the crowd. There does not seem to be any members of the Ku Klux Klan in their usual white ‘uniform’. Therefore, independent bigots could have simply done the hanging in the first source, in an almost spontaneous fashion. In comparison, Source C seems to have been a more planned event, organised by the Ku Klux Klan. The fact that the extract says that there was more than 500 people present and that people were travelling from other cities by car just to see the lynching gives us the impression that it was highly publicised within the ‘racist community’. We can not tell the exact number of people at the hanging in source B, but we can assume that it was probably not as many as in the second source. Another difference between the two sources is that, obviously, one is a photograph and one is a newspaper extract. If I were to choose, I would probably say that a photograph (source B) gives a more accurate impression of an event than an account (source C) of somebody who was simply present at the time. This is because a photograph is taken at the time and can not be changed. Whether or not the photographer was racist does not make any difference because, generally, the camera does not lie and is not biased, depending on the context. But the newspaper extract was written after the event and is therefore less accurate, because the writer could have forgotten important details or even written the account in an unfair or biased way. (3.) Source F is a photograph showing a crowd of people demonstrating on the behalf of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, taken in April 1927. How useful would it be for a historian who was studying the case of the two imprisoned immigrants? We can see in the photograph that there is quite a large crowd of people, which gives the impression that the majority of Americans supported Sacco and Vanzetti. However, that is not strictly true. Although the two accused men did have many supporters who protested against their impending execution, most normal American people agreed with it. This was mainly due to the American public’s fear of Communists or ‘Reds’ as they were commonly called. Since the Russian Revolution in 1917, people had started to believe that communism was spreading and would eventually reach the USA. This caused the number of immigrants brought to America to be limited, and any that did come were discriminated against. This seems to be case with Sacco and Vanzetti. In hindsight, it appears that the two men were used as †scape-goats’ for a crime they possibly did not commit. Being Italian immigrants made them an easy target, and it was unlikely that the American public would believe their word against the American legal system and police. However, is this shown in the photograph? Without background knowledge of the subject, it would be hard to tell by the photograph whether most people were supportive of Sacco and Vanzetti or not. The photograph is quite misleading, as it seems as though the majority of the American public was on their side, which was not the case. Although I can not tell for sure, I believe that the people in the photograph are other immigrants, who were generally the only people that supported the two men. This was because most immigrants felt that the discrimination against Sacco and Vanzetti could easily happen to them one day in the future. But this is not necessarily clear from the photograph. However, it could be useful to a historian as an example of the minority that did support them. (4.) I do not believe that the cartoon in Source E is very useful at all. This is for a number of different reasons. Firstly, Nazis produced the cartoon. This means that it is biased against the USA, and would therefore not provide a fair or accurate view of American life. Even if some aspects of the cartoon were true, they would undoubtedly be used in a misleading way. This is why propaganda can never be used as an accurate impression of something. Secondly, as the cartoon was made during the Second World War, it is intended to show what American life was like during this time (1939-1945). So therefore it does not show what life was like in the 1920s. Also, many of the examples of American life used are loosely true but are used inaccurately. For example, the ‘body’ (which is supposedly meant to represent the USA) is shown as having the head of a Ku Klux Klan member. This could be interpreted that the Klan were very dominant throughout the whole of the USA as they are seen as being at the head of it all. This was not true. A registration of cars increased. This means that more cars were made because there was a bigger demand for them, and more cars were bought because people had more money to spend. Also the sale of radios greatly increased in this decade. These statistics certainly help to support Hoover’s claim that America was winning the battle over poverty. Source J also emphasises the point that during this era, the country began to spend more money on luxury goods, such as big houses and cars. However, the same two sources also show us that the opposite was also true. Not everyone in the USA was making a lot of money, as shown in source I. When compared to the $1246 that Californian fruit farmers made per month in 1929, the South Carolina’s farmers pay packet of only $129 per month seems very measly. This is one example of how not everybody did well in the 1920s. This was mainly due to overproduction of goods; in other words, more food was produced than could be sold. Also, due to the high tariffs put on American exports, the food could not be sold in Europe. Source J also points out that the America people had become so obsessed with making money that it would eventually be the death of them; â€Å"I think the country was in greater danger during the twenties†¦more money every year for everyone†¦Suddenly everybody owned a motor car†¦All we needed was to make more automobiles and build bigger houses.† We must also remember that Hoover made the speech in source H during the Presidential Election campaign. This means that he was obviously going to say something that would encourage the general public to have faith in the Republican government and to help get him in to the White House. Therefore it might be an exaggerated or ‘sugar-coated’ form of the truth, which most politicians seem to have a talent at expressing. (6.) Source K is a song written in 1971 for an American television show. It is about how much better life in the 1920s was than the present day (i.e. when the song was written). Source L is an extract from a history textbook about how the majority of Americans in the 1920s did not live the ‘high life’ and were, in fact, very poor and facing unemployment. At a first glance we can see that source K is not completely accurate about life in the twenties. In the first line it mentions ‘Glenn Miller’, a bandleader who is described as playing, ‘Songs that made the hit parade’. This is actually incorrect, as Glen Miller was a bandleader in the 1930s and 1940s, not the 1920s. It also mentions Herbert Hoover, which seems quite strange as he was only President for one year of the twenties, 1929. It is examples like these that seem to jeopardise the accuracy of the source. Also, the fact that it was written in 1971 makes me believe that it is less reliable than something that was written closer to the time. Also, I get the impression that the song is slightly sarcastic and comedic, as opposed to being a reliable account of 1920s American life. It is because of this that it could be easily misinterpreted. For example, the line that says, â€Å"Freaks were in a circus tent† could be referring to the time when people were highly suspicious of immigrants and hence Attorney-General Palmer ordered for many suspected socialists to be deported. But this is not very clear. Also the line that says that everybody was content is not very true. Many people were very poor in the twenties, and times were very hard for some people, such as farmers. Also, Negroes were still being treated as third-rate citizens and were often discriminated against. Also, the song is an opinion, so does not represent everybody’s views. Source L however seems much more accurate. Because it was written for a history textbook it is more likely to show a reliable viewpoint on 1920s life. Especially since it contains an example of an actual fact, as opposed to an opinion (i.e. that job insecurity was on the increase for the over 35s). It is much more realistic than source K, for example using words such as ‘vast numbers of Americans’ instead of words like ‘everybody’ as seen in the first source. So, in my opinion, Source L shows a more reliable impression of 1920s life than source K. (7.) From looking at all the sources, it is very hard to draw a straight conclusion as to whether the 1920s was a ‘golden age’ for Americans or not. To decide, I will look at all the sources again. Firstly, it is evident that economically, America did extremely well in this decade. In source I we see that within three years (1926-1929) the number of cars produced each year had increased by over 1 million. We also see that within eight years (1920-1929) the number of cars registered had been increased by nearly three times and that within seven years (1922-1929) the amount of money spent on radios increased by $764.5 million. So what does this tell us? This basically shows us that the 1920s were the beginning of the age of consumer power. People began to have more money to spend on luxury goods, so in turn more were produced. This lead to the growth of industries in the nation. However, the ever-growing capitalism in the USA did not reach everyone. Source L shows us how there was still many people without jobs. Source I supports this fact by showing how there was a wide range of wages all over the country, ranging from just $129 per month to $1246 per month. Also, there was a great deal of intolerance in America. Sources B and C show in great detail how Negroes, in particular, suffered from intolerance.